Instantiating Muzzle Flash

I want to create a muzzle flash for my gun, and I incorporated it into my shoot script. Here’s an excerpt:

if(Input.GetButton("Fire1") && Time.time > nextFire && bulletsLeft > 0 && !boosting) {
        nextFire = Time.time + fireRate;
        Instantiate (projectile, shootPointOne.position, transform.rotation);
        Instantiate (muzzleFlash, shootPointOne.position, transform.rotation);
        hasFired = true;

It all works except for the muzzleFlash. The muzzleFlash is a Texture2D and this seems the most logical way for making a muzzle flash without animations. Is this the correct way to approach this, or is their a better, more direct way?

The easiest way to get a “pulse” of a texture is to put it in a particle emitter (which will automatically give it a life-time then kill it.)

To put in the Texture, you can drag it to the bottom of a particle emitter. You should see the material, in ParticleRenderer, update from the white ball to your texture. If that messes up the colors, click on shader where it says “Particles/AlphaBlended” and pick another one from the Particles folder.

To make it appear then die, click (far above) OneShot and AutoDestruct. Then tweak it so it looks nice (size, life – see the PE docs.)