Instantiating Objects From Array to Random Position

Hi im in college at the moment and im part of a team trying to make a turn based card game, so i have 7 empty game objects in the scene laid out as a level, this is where i want cards to spawn into, the thing i need help with is spawning a random card into one of these objects and to select which object randomly. I can see how this may be us shooting to far but i was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction, im working in c#, tried a few things but cant seem to get it down, thanks to anyone who reads in advance!

public GameObject cardPlacement = new GameObject[7]; // Number of placements on the table
public GameObject cards; // The cards, that have to be placed randomly on the table

void Start()
	int randomPlace = Random.Range(0, cardPlacement.Length);	// Get random object from the table
	int randomCard = Random.Range(0, cards.Length);		// Get Random Card

	// Instantiate random card into a random place on the table and position the card on that place
	Instantiate(cards[randomCard], cardPlacement[randomPlace].transform.position, cardPlacement[randomPlace].transform.rotation);

Heya. This shoud do the job, or at least point you in the right direction