Hi there
ok, Im trying to figure out if its possible to instantiate a GameObject directly from Assets, without setting a reference to it in the inspector.
Thanks !
Hi there
ok, Im trying to figure out if its possible to instantiate a GameObject directly from Assets, without setting a reference to it in the inspector.
Thanks !
Create a Resources folder in your Assets. Put your prefabs under there. In code, do this:
var objPrefab : GameObject = Resources.Load("objPrefab");
var obj : GameObject = Instantiate(objPrefab);
GameObject objPrefab = Resources.Load("objPrefab") as GameObject;
GameObject obj = Instantiate(objPrefab) as GameObject;
I hope this helps.
Thanks! Would this work for publishing online ?
I’m pretty sure it does. Simply build for web and give it a try
I’ll give it a try