instantiating player to different scenes

i’m trying to put together a simple Character Creation screen, when create button is clicked a GUI pops up with 3 different characters depending on which you choose it will be instantiated into the scene, with the ability to create more than one character.
so you can have 3 animated instantiated objects to pull into the next scene(world) depending on which character you want to play. think of the diablo 2 character selection screen. or MuOnline here is an image of what im trying to achieve.

alt text

You could have a public static variable that the character’s prefab name is assigned to.

Something like this in your character select screen script:

public static GameObject selectedCharacter;

public GameObject character1; // drag character prefabs here in the inspector
public GameObject character2;
public GameObject character3;

void OnGUI()
     if (GUI.Button(Rect(10,10,50,50),"Character 1")) 
         selectedCharacter = character1;
         // Put instantiate code here for display in the selection screen
     if (GUI.Button(Rect(10,35,50,50),"Character 2"))
         selectedCharacter = character2;
         // Put instantiate code here
     if (GUI.Button(Rect(10,60,50,50),"Character 3")) 
         selectedCharacter = character3;
         // Put instantiate code here

Then in your level loading script you would access selectedCharacter by using the script/class name first and then selectedCharacter. Kinda like this:

Instantiate (CharacterSelectScreen.selectedCharacter,, Quaternion.identity);