I was able to get an object to instantiate at the mouse position correctly before I added a GUI Matrix to keep the GUI scale. This is the code I was using.
Screen.showCursor = false;
Rect pos = new Rect(mousePos.x, Screen.height - mousePos.y ,turretCanPlace.width, turretCanPlace.height);
GUI.Label(pos, mineCanPlace);
// If the player pressed LMB, instatiate the turret
Vector3 worldPos = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(mousePos);
worldPos.y -= 65.8f;
Debug.Log("TurretSceneScript.OnGui(Placing turret) World Pos: " + worldPos);
Instantiate(turretPrefab, worldPos, Quaternion.identity); //AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up));
// Set the cursor back to visible
Screen.showCursor = true;
When I added the GUI Matrix, the prefab no longer instantiated at the correct position. Here is the code for the GUI.Matrix. It’s resizing from 1920 * 1080.
public static void AutoResize(int screenWidth, int screenHeight)
Vector2 resizeRatio = new Vector2((float)Screen.width / screenWidth, (float)Screen.height / screenHeight);
GUI.matrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(resizeRatio.x, resizeRatio.y, 1.0f));
I messed around with the code, and got a partial fix, but as I move the cursor to the right, or down, the distance between the icon and instantiated prefab increases. Here’s what I’m currently using:
Rect pos = new Rect(mousePos.x * (1920/Screen.width), (1080/Screen.height) * (Screen.height - mousePos.y) ,turretCanPlace.width, turretCanPlace.height);
Can anyone help me figure out how to get the prefab to instantiate on the correct location? Thanks for your help!