So, im following this post: Mass Place Trees tagging - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions.
And all working good. But i want to chance something, and i need some help. Im very newbie on this.
#pragma strict
public var player : Transform;
private var paryTrees : TreeInstance[];
private var pvecTerrainPosition : Vector3;
private var pvecTerrainSize : Vector3;
private var pgobTreeCollide : GameObject;
private var pvecCollideScale : Vector3;
private var pbooCollideWithTrees : boolean = false;
function Start()
// Get the terrain's position
pvecTerrainPosition = Terrain.activeTerrain.transform.position;
// Get the terrain's size from the terrain data
pvecTerrainSize = Terrain.activeTerrain.terrainData.size;
// Get the tree instances
paryTrees = Terrain.activeTerrain.terrainData.treeInstances;
// Get the invisible capsule having the capsule collider that makes the nearest tree solid
pgobTreeCollide = GameObject.Find("Tree"); // This is a capsule having a capsule collider, but when the flier hits it we want it to be reported that the flier hit a tree.
// Are there trees and a tree collider?
if ((pgobTreeCollide != null) && (paryTrees.length > 0))
// Set a flag to make this script useful
pbooCollideWithTrees = true;
// Get the original local scale of the capsule. This is manually matched to the scale of the prototype of the tree.
pvecCollideScale = pgobTreeCollide.transform.localScale;
// No need to use this script
// has the player been assigned in the Inspector?
if ( !player )
function Update()
var L : int;
var triTree : TreeInstance;
//var vecFlier : Vector3 = sctFly.svecXYZ; // My protagonist's position, passed by a static variable in a script called sctFly.
var vecFlier : Vector3 = player.position; // using the player transform, dropped in the inspector
var fltProximity : float;
var fltNearest : float = 9999.9999; // Farther, to start, than is possible in my game.
var vec3 : Vector3;
var vecTree : Vector3;
var intNearestPntr : int;
// Test the flag
if (pbooCollideWithTrees == true)
// Find the nearest tree to the flier
for (L = 0; L < paryTrees.length; L++)
// Get the tree instance
triTree = paryTrees[L];
// Get the normalized tree position
vecTree = triTree.position;
// Get the world coordinates of the tree position
vec3 = (Vector3.Scale(pvecTerrainSize, vecTree) + pvecTerrainPosition);
// Calculate the proximity
fltProximity = Vector3.Distance(vecFlier, vec3);
// Nearest so far?
if (fltProximity < fltNearest)
// Remember the nearest
fltNearest = fltProximity;
// Remember the index
intNearestPntr = L;
// Get the closest tree
triTree = paryTrees[intNearestPntr];
// Get the normalized tree position of the closest tree
vecTree = triTree.position;
// Get the world coordinates of the tree position
vec3 = (Vector3.Scale(pvecTerrainSize, vecTree) + pvecTerrainPosition);
// Scale the capsule having the capsule collider that represents a solid tree
pgobTreeCollide.transform.localScale = (pvecCollideScale * triTree.heightScale);
// Add some height to position the capsule correctly on the tree
vec3.y += pgobTreeCollide.transform.localScale.y;
// Position the capsule having the capsule collider at the nearest tree
pgobTreeCollide.transform.position = vec3;
on the object “Tree” im using this:
#pragma strict
var Collected : boolean = false;
private var showGui : boolean = false;
var recurso : Transform;
var player : Transform;
function Update()
if(Collected == true)
function MakeRecurso()
Instantiate (recurso, player.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);
Collected = false;
showGui = false;
and this:
#pragma strict
var Health = 100;
function Update ()
if(Health <= 0)
function ApplyDammage (TheDammage : int)
Health -= TheDammage;
var ManageScript : ManageWood = GameObject.FindWithTag("Tree").GetComponent(ManageWood);
ManageScript.Collected = true;
function Dead()
Everything works great, no problems. When I approach a tree the object move to that tree and I hit the object and it will drop logs. Perfect!
But as you can see this object has a life stats. And it disappears when it is destroyed.
I need to modify my script so that this object is instantiated from a Prefab. When the script detects that the object is destroyed it will instantiate a new one.
Can anyone ELI5 me please?