Instantiating Problem

Hello! I am instantiating the object with the y position being 20f, but when it spawns in it is 0. Why is that? Here is the code:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class EnemySpawner : MonoBehaviour {

[SerializeField] float secondsBetweenSpawns;
[SerializeField] GameObject enemyToSpawn;
[SerializeField] int enemiesInScene;
[SerializeField] int desiredEnemiesInScene;
//[SerializeField] Transform Parent;
[SerializeField] PathFinder pathFinder;
void  Start() {

 IEnumerator Spawner()
   while (enemiesInScene < desiredEnemiesInScene)
        yield return new WaitForSeconds(secondsBetweenSpawns);
        print("Spawning Enemy");
        enemiesInScene = enemiesInScene + 1;
   if (enemiesInScene == desiredEnemiesInScene)
        // do nothing
void Spawn()
    float whereToSpawnEnemyX = pathFinder.startingWaypoint.transform.position.x;
    float whereToSpawnEnemyZ = pathFinder.startingWaypoint.transform.position.z;
    Vector3 whereToSpawnEnemy = new Vector3(whereToSpawnEnemyX, 20f, whereToSpawnEnemyZ);
    Instantiate(enemyToSpawn, whereToSpawnEnemy, Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0));


Maybe just set the position after Instantiating it.

	var enemy = Instantiate(enemyToSpawn);
	enemy.transform.position = whereToSpawnEnemy;
	enemy.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0);

Do you need anymore code?

I played around some more and I still can’t seem to find the answer.