Integration of CSS code with Unity UI system (not UIElements)

I wonder if there’s any way to use a CSS code that comes from UI designers who use design tools like Zeplin or Adobe XD to automatically adjust UI objects in Unity, instead of manually set each parameter in the UI components.
To be more specific, I’m looking for a tool that lets you copy/paste a block of CSS code into a Unity UI object and automatically modifies the RectTransform/Image/Button/Text accordingly.

To my knowledge, that doesn’t exist. There are some tools on the Asset Store that allow you to create UIs using conventional CSS. But those are there own frameworks, things you’d need to build your UI with from scratch, not something you’d drop onto an existing UI created with Unity’s built-in UI tools.

I’m also not really sure whether UIElements, though it supports a css-like structure, is really going to let you just drop CSS from an HTML designer application and have it look right. UIElements is clearly inspired by CSS, but they’re not equivalent.

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Thanks for the reply,
I really didn’t find such a tool so I decided to create one since it really could have helped me and some of my colleagues in quite a few projects.
I’m sharing it here in case anyone wants to give it a try: