Integration test with GameDriver / MS Test project to run along with Unity Cloud Build


We are testing out GameDriver for Continuous Integration of our project with Unity Cloud Build.
The tests are done in a separate MSTest project and GameDriver connects to IDE/built executable through its apis to access game objects.

We had written some working local tests and also set up Unity cloud build to automatically trigger the build process on commits to our git repository.

The remaining part is to integrate the unit tests to Cloud build CI pipeline. All I can find were integration discussions related to Unity Test Framework only!

Is it supported to run the external test projects along with cloud build as part of continuous integration?

Are there any examples anyone can point me towards that uses the pre or post build events/scripts to trigger external unit tests and get results?

Please advice.

For the record, CI/CD using GameDriver with Unity Cloud is not possible at the moment.
However, GameDriver works with Jenkins CI.