Intendent behavior of the Pause and Unpause app with Unity Games on the Android platform

Hello, I’m currently working on the Android game and our QA pointed out that if we pause the game and then unpause it using the Android feature game will restart and my question is if that’s the intended behavior or if there is that bug in our game or Unity.

I have tested it with Hearthstone and Gwent and both of those games are restarting as well but I want to be sure if that is something normal. Our game is about 800 MB .

In case, by pause/ unpause you mean unfocus/ focus of the game.
Then most common reason is high ram usage. Android will terminate apps that are not focused whenever needs to free memory.

Easiest way to partially verify this, is run the game on a flagship device with loads of ram and a dud, also check memory usage of the game if is high or not, size of the game doesnt say anything.

Personally would consider this as a critical issue as common reasons for app to lose focus are ads showing, google play manual login etc, which makes the app unusable if terminated on lose focus.

At least on my pixel 6 when you start app and click on icon on task manager you can pause application, it is different from changing focused app