Intense animation frustration

Sorry if my tone is a bit short in this post, I’ve been struggling to get the right solution for days.

My game has a bunch of events that will animate the camera to different areas of the level, so there are lots of animations, position A to B, B to C, D to B, etc.

I’ve tried animating the camera in Maya, but I always get slightly warped results, the camera will roll a few degrees, or freak out completely. And on occasion if I change something in my level, all of my animation splits get forgotten.

So I’m trying to do the animating in Unity, but I find the controls very lacking. Simple things like copying keys (So all of my “location A’s” are the same) just aren’t there.

Does anyone have any advice? Some fundamental pipeline step I’m missing?

Well, you are missing what everybody is missing, serious documentation. Escpecially animating and issues around it are not documented at all.