Thanks for reading, sorry if it’s in the wrong spot!
Quick facts to frame this post:
I’m a professional animator that has only recently realized there’s, like, a gaming revolution going on.
I’ve been researching various gaming engines for weeks. I’m dazed. I’m exhausted. And I’m among the PC/XP crowd that’s so impressed with Unity that I’m considering purchasing a new Mac just to get my hands on it.
I’ve read all of the supplied documentation (fairly obsessively) as well as read thru hundreds of posts on this forum – even taking notes! – and have tried my best to answer as many of my own questions as possible…
My inexperience with the necessary pipeline for general game dev still leaves me with a few:
The least technical, but possbily the most important question I have: how long before the introductory pricing vanishes!? I’d have bought a copy of PRO already if I could verify that my personal pipleine would work (and could decide on the kind of Mac to buy, but thankfully that’s another post for another day.)
It’s all about FBX. (And how much FBX and Lightwave seem to hate each other.) The problems with the LW FBX exporter make me… nervous. We’re talking sleepless, restless, gas-inducing nervous. Alias doesn’t even seem to be updating the LW plug anymore (as of August 2005). That can’t be good.
BUT, they do seem to have an updated XSI exporter. I typically animate in XSI anyway, so I guess my questions re: FBX are A.)Will it faithfully honor my UV maps with LW objects? B.) Why isn’t it possible to export FBX animations out of XSI into Unity? and C.) Is it possible to convert from one FBX format to another (with the Alias conversion utility) to prepare for import into Unity? e.g., maybe from XSI FBX to Maya FBX?
Still more: I’d even be willing to learn how to animate in Blender if I have to, but do imported .blender scenes include animations?
(These are all things I’d love to test, but haven’t thought of a way to.)
It’s also a little bit about Z-Brush. That’s typically where I’ve been adding detail and generating normal maps. Will Unity recognize ZBrush’s unconventional UV tilings? And does Unity support normal maps (the docs only show grayscale bump maps, but I’ve seen screenshots with the familiar purple graphics…)
I’m also unfamiliar with .ogg audio. Will Windows recognize that? Will PCs need a plug-in? When the doc say that mp3 is imported / saved “uncompressed,” does that mean in some sort of “decompressed” format? i.e., a larger file size than the original mp3?
Is this post so long that there’s no hope of anyone actually reading it?
Thanks for whatever help or guidance you can offer. I’m attacted to the developer’s apparent style and professionalism, but also the tone of their correspondence and the overall tone of this forum in general.
Hopefully I can be a part of it, but I haven’t been able to entirely convince myself that it’s worth the risk of $2500 (or more) with only the hope that I’ll successfully get my models and animations from the PC to the Mac and into Unity.
Doubt sucks. But your product clearly doesn’t.
Thanks again.