Inter-class Relationship

I have 2 classes : Runner ( the player ) and Manager ( the scene manager ).

Manager class controls scene resets, object recycling, GUI element display, score calculation, etc. It has a public score variable:

public int score = 0;

Runner class controls the characters movement, key inputs, dying criteria, etc.

I now implemented a collision detection of Runner with other GameObject, which I plan to have an increase of score. How can I send the “command” to ask Manager to increase the score?

The collision detection codes in Runner class is as follow:

void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collison) {
	//ContactPoint contact = collison.contacts[0];
	if (collison.gameObject.tag.Equals("CollectableTypeA")) {

Since you are using C#, you can use Events and Delegates:

You can also directly access the Manager from your Runners:

Though generally it is not used much, you could also use GameObjct.SendMessage()