Hello Everyone,
I am building an interactive video, composed of 20 video.clips, the whole idea is that once the first clip finishes, a set of 3 questions appears to the user and depening on the selection the next clip appears.
In the script below I am able to do it, however I know my skills are begginer level so I wonder if you can help me improve the script. My questions are pretty much two:
Q1 - To have the dialogue options at the end of the clip I use “video.frameCount”, i convert it to string and then I use “video.frame”, which I as well translate to string… then when they match, voila, the dialogue object appears. Is there an easier way to achieve this?
Q2 - this interactive expereince has 20 video.clips, the videoplayer source changes the clip with each button selected. Right now I have to create 20 different dialogues (“Dialogue S2”) in the script below, in which I match each video.clip with the gameobject (a UI Button). is there any way to make this more automatic? - its a bit of a workload to do this
any help is welcomed. script below:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Video;
public class VideoManager : MonoBehaviour
public VideoPlayer video;
private string framesinpic;
[Header("Dialogue S2a")]
public VideoClip S2a;
public GameObject dS2a;
[Header("Dialogue S2b")]
public VideoClip S2b;
public GameObject dS2b;
void Update()
ulong time = video.frameCount - 10;
framesinpic = time.ToString();
if(video.clip.name == S2a.name && framesinpic == video.frame.ToString())
if (video.clip.name == S2b.name && framesinpic == video.frame.ToString())
//as you can see... I add manually each if per dialogue..
void turnonOptions(GameObject a)
public void ChangeVideo(VideoClip x)
video.clip = x;