Interactive Game with Unity in Android

Hello, I’ve been only using Unity for almost a month now and I’ve learn the basics as well, I’d taken courses but I have a due date for my thesis project to be finished. I thought learning from the basic will bring me for my path but I failed, anyway I’m trying to create an interactive lectures in android phone with 3d and the subjects are pretty much about cooking, baking, drafting, crafts, and so on. I dont know how to start although I have an idea how to do it, (planning to use Adventure Creator for Interactive Game) but I have to make sure its fitted for Mobile platform, any tips? ://

You’ve taken an enormous bite from an over-sized plate at an endless buffet, friend.

Unity is a great tool, but it not only takes time to learn, it can be quite time consuming to create the assets you need, build the systems required by your app, and put them all together in a meaningful way. Not to mention testing and distributing the app itself.

If you’re just aiming for basic interactivity in a game-like app, I’d recommend something like Xamarin or even one of the HTML-based app building suites like Ionic or PhoneGap. Perhaps an even better solution would be a mobile-optimized web interface?

If you’re really set on using Unity, it’s pretty essential you go through the tutorials to figure out how to use it. Maybe give us a bit more input on what elements you’re struggling with then, and what kind of time frame you’re dealing with, and we can point you in the direction of the next step.

Good luck!