Hi all. I would like to implement an interactive item system that the player can interact with items. I program interfaces condition and command and implement them like below:
public class CItemScene : MonoBehaviour {
CBaseCondition[] m_conditions;
CBaseCommand[] m_commands;
CBaseCommand[] m_failCommands;
CPlayerInputController m_playerinputController;
CBaseItemData m_interactiveItemData;
Transform m_failCommandChildTr;
Transform m_commandChildTr;
public int m_id { get; private set; }
public Sprite m_sprite { get; private set; }
public Animator m_animator { get; private set; }
// Use this for initialization
void Start() {
m_playerinputController = CGameManager1.GetInstance().m_player.GetComponent<CPlayerInputController>();
m_id = m_interactiveItemData.id;
m_sprite = m_interactiveItemData.sprite;
m_animator = m_interactiveItemData.animator;
m_conditions = transform.FindChild("Conditions").GetComponentsInChildren<CBaseCondition>();
if (m_commandChildTr != null) {
m_commands = m_commandChildTr.GetComponentsInChildren<CBaseCommand>();
m_failCommandChildTr = transform.FindChild("FailCommands");
if (m_failCommandChildTr != null) {
m_failCommands = m_failCommandChildTr.GetComponentsInChildren<CBaseCommand>();
bool CheckAllConditions() {
for (int i = 0; i < m_conditions.Length; i++) {
if (!m_conditions[i].CheckCondition()) {
return false;
return true;
void ExecuteCommands() {
if (m_commands!=null) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_commands.Length; i++) {
void FailCommands() {
if (m_failCommands != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < m_failCommands.Length; i++) {
void Interact() {
bool checkedFlag = CheckAllConditions();
if (checkedFlag) {
else {
void OnTriggerStay2D(Collider2D _coll) {
if (_coll.tag=="Player") {
if (m_playerinputController.CheckPressedKeyDown(EKeyType.Action)) {
if conditions are true then commands are executed else fail commands are executed.
I want to use general conditions(combination conditions like or and not etc) rather than only “And” conditions,
so I implemented OR,And,Not module conditions like below:
public class CORCondition:CCondition{
CCondition c1;
CCondition c2;
public override bool CheckCondition(){
return c1.CheckCondition() || c2.CheckCondition();
The first way I can combine conditions and get only result condition like (cresult=(c1 or c2) and (c3 and c4)) and assign it to m_conditions inside my code.
The second way I can put them all as gameobjects(condition components postfix or prefix orders) like below:(children of Conditions)
then compute the result condition using postfix or prefix order
m_conditions = transform.FindChild(“Conditions”).GetComponentsInChildren();
Is it better way that a designer can add and remove these conditions without knowing extra knowledge and concepts?
How can we extend it to contain more generic states for commands too?
for example they are executed in OnTriggerStay or OnCollisionEnter or other sections