InteractiveCloth replacement in Unity5?

Someone please tell me what are the alternatives for InteractiveCloth and ClothRenderer. SkinnedCloth and the new Cloth just won’t cut it.

Not sure if this is what you want but I tested adding a simple cape to the 3rd person (ethan) Controller.

Add an empty game object as a child of ethan. Add Component → Cloth, put a plane as the mesh element and add a material.

You probably want a double sided shader as well. Scale and position the plane to be level with the shoulders and click on edit constraints. Click on the square you want e.g. the shoulder points and tell it max distance = 0.

Its a bit shonky but will give you a way to drag the cloth.

The cloth component in Unity 5 behaves very differently from the interactive cloth in Unity 4:

InteractiveCloth (in Unity 4) is computationally expensive… quite unstable and cost a lot. With PhysX3 integration coming, we have decided to drop support for InteractiveCloth and only have one cloth component, called simply Cloth, designed with character clothing in mind. In Unity 5.0, Cloth no longer reacts to all colliders in a scene, nor does it apply forces back to the world.” - High-performance physics in Unity 5 | Unity Blog

So, if you want to use behaviour of the old interactive cloth, you’ll either have to write your own custom code for Unity 5, or simply continue to use Unity 4.

That’s why developers should have one major version where it is DEPRECATED first, THEN removed later down the line. Imagine that.