Intercepting Alghorithm not wok properly

Try to Intercept Object A with Object B, when Calculating Arrive-time and Probable Location in Object A I show something to Know calculation data. But calculate position is not work properly best to see the Gif Below (Green One is object A and Red in Object B, the Grey is Calculated position that object A should look and shoot)
(As see the Gray Object is Not go Smoothly it’s get back to Red Position repeatedly):


This is the Code for Intercept:

public GameObject Enemy;
	public GameObject GhostObject;//Grey Object That Show Calculating Position

	Rigidbody enemyRig;
	Transform enemyPos;

	Vector3 bulletSpeed = Vector3.forward * 0.08f;

	Vector3 current;
	Vector3 last;

	float time;

	Vector3 enemyVel;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start ()
		enemyPos = Enemy.transform;
		enemyRig = Enemy.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
	// Update is called once per frame
	void Update ()
		enemyVel = CalEnemyVel();

		Vector3 targetPos = enemyPos.position;

		Vector3 Vr = enemyVel - transform.forward * 10f;
		Vector3 Sr = targetPos - transform.position;

		time = Sr.magnitude / Vr.magnitude;

		Vector3 lookpos = targetPos + (enemyVel * time);

		GhostObject.transform.position = lookpos;

	Vector3 CalEnemyVel()
		Vector3 vel;

		current = enemyPos.position;

		if (last != null)
			vel = ((current - last) / Time.deltaTime);

		else vel =;

		last = current;

		return vel;

Movement Method for Red

       public float speed = 0.5f;
	void Update ()
		float h = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");

		//GetComponent<Rigidbody>().MovePosition(transform.position + Vector3.left * h * speed);

	      transform.Translate(Vector3.left * h * speed);

Hi @FDMpro

Although I didn’t read through most of your code (not very clean to read), from my understanding the green object has to shoot infront of the red object because you have calculated the interception point using the bullet speed, enemy speed, and enemy direction. If that’s the case are you sure it’s not working? From the gif you attached it would seem that the ghost object was calculating correctly. Assuming I’m not missing anything, the results you have would make sense because as the red character turns, it’s velocity or rather Input.GetAxis slows down. This obviously means the red object isn’t going to travel as far, therefore the ghost retracts slightly. This continues until eventually the force isn’t cancelling itself and it starts moving in the opposite direction. I hope that makes sense, just tag me if you have anymore questions :slight_smile: