Interface problem


Interface I scripted looks as it should in the editor, but when compiling standalone or web, it’s not there.

The previous interface(ConnectGUI) that was implemented is shown in both editor and compiled program. Even if I remove buttons from ConnectGUI they WILL STILL BE THERE in the compiled version.

To summarize: none of my GUI changes are being registered in the compiled program.

At first I tought I was using a previous version of the scene or something, but changing anything else other than GUI will be changed in the compiled versions.

I included a few pictures:
1st picture is code from ConnectGUI sample script, where the “Connect” button is commented out(and as you can see, still shows in the compiled version)
2nd picture is how it looks in the editor
3rd picture is how it looks in the standalone compiled version

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?



Alright I fixed it:

after deleting the previous compiled files from the project folder it works.

It seems that the previous files weren’t being replaced when compiling. (Although they definately were before, and are now).