Dears I’m starting a project in which I will do a game for childreen.
It just give them possibility to draw through a tablett.
It that possible through unity 3D?
How could I do that?
Thank you for any suggestion !
Dears I’m starting a project in which I will do a game for childreen.
It just give them possibility to draw through a tablett.
It that possible through unity 3D?
How could I do that?
Thank you for any suggestion !
Incredibly complex to allow “drawing” in Unity (at least beyond very trivial one-pixel-at-a-time stuff) since it’s REALLY not built for it. I would highly recommend just buying an asset from the AssetStore. This one looks really nice. If you really want a free option, you can try the old project Unity Paint here, but it’s years old now and likely won’t work properly without a lot of updating/editing for Unity 5.
Good luck!
Thank you for the reply !
I found to draw a rectangle at this page:
//the script
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
// Create a semi transparent rectangle that lets you modify
// the “range” var that resides in “SolidRectangleExample.js”
@CustomEditor (SolidRectangleExample)
class DrawSolidRectangle extends Editor {
function OnSceneGUI () {
var pos : Vector3 = target.transform.position;
var verts : Vector3[ ] = [Vector3(pos.x - target.range,pos.y,pos.z-target.range),
Vector3(pos.x-target.range,pos.y,pos.z + target.range),
Vector3(pos.x+target.range,pos.y,pos.z + target.range),
Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(verts, Color(1,1,1,0.2), Color(0,0,0,1));
for(var posCube : Vector3 in verts)
target.range = Handles.ScaleValueHandle(target.range,
//end scripts
but it doesn’t work ! I had some errors says:
A namespace does not contain members…
Code tags. And post the exact error message and line number. Paraphrasing the error message helps no one.