Interior mixed lighting with overcast weather outside (No directional light)

Hi everyone!
Is it possible to create a mixed lighting setup that will look more or less like this?

I guess it’s pretty easy to achieve it by baking everything, but I have a number of movable objects in my scene, and they have to cast real-time shadows. For example, in my case such chairs are movable. Do we have a light that can cast such shadows that are sharp at the point of contact but blurred in the distance?

Area lights have serious problems with shadow bias, especially when blurred.
Other lights (like a spot pyramid light with 179° shadow cone) are somewhat okay with PCSS filtering enabled, but do they cast geometrically correct shadows in order to be used for faking diffused skylight coming from windows?
Do I miss any other options?


Do I miss any other options?
<<< If you have an RTX compatible GPU and performance is not an issue, realtime raytraced shadows will give you the results you want.

I do have and RTX GPU.
But it would be great if you fixed DX12 performance issues first, so I could use it:)
Right now I get almost 50% fps drop just for switching my project from DX11 to DX12, with no RTX features enabled.

Yep, that’s partly why I said if performance is not an issue.
We know DX12, performance wise, is still in a worse shape than DX11, that’s why it’s still in preview.
However, efforts are currently being made to be able to make it better than DX11 in the near and middle future

That’s really good to hear! I thought it could be as fast as DX11 at it’s best, but if you are actually going to make it even better than DX11, that’s awesome.