Internal build system error. Backend exited with code -1073741819.

I am new to the unity forum, so I am sorry if there are any issues with my post.
As the title suggests, I have been dealing with the error "
Internal build system error. Backend exited with code -1073741819."
and I searched all over the internet to solve this issue, No I am not using Firebase with my project.

What platform? Editor version?
Is this the only error message in the console? Always check them top to bottom, the first one is the most important. If you got more messages, post them here (you can select, then copy/paste them in the console).
There’s also the editor.log which contains more info.

My unity version is 2021.3.15f1, I checked the whole error message, I don’t know how to access this editor.log file.

Never mind I found out how:

9447338–1325819–EditorLog.txt (130 KB)

I solved it! I basically removed unnecessary packages I didn’t need and restarted unity.