First of all: The project I’m working on is using external version control. The latest version, which works just fine on my laptop (which won’t be available for another two weeks) and on my team partner’s PC. However, on my desktop PC, I cannot finish compiling because of that Internal Compiler Error (It’s “Invalid Conditional Symbol”). Reinstalling unity, rebuilding the library and rebuilding all assemblies have not fixed the issue. This is on a ‘fresh’ SVN check out.
Obviously enough, for some reason there was an additional “-75” at the end of the list of define symbols in the compiler options, but deleting them in every single assembly didn’t do the job. Even weirder, rebuilding the assemblies had me ending up with the -75 tag on there.
Still, as of now, none of the assemblies has that “-75” at the end of its define symbol list but I’m still getting the error. I’ve been trying to fix this for hours and I’m completely clueless, but unfortunately I can’t really do any more work on the project with this error. I’d greatly appreciate any help.
So I managed to finally get rid of it. This internal compiler error was actually not the real issue. What I failed to realise, though, is that the actual problem was at the very bottom of the log. It was a file access issue and for now I’ve managed to work around it by running Unity in administrator mode (I’m on a windows 7 machine.) I’m clueless though as to why I need to do this now because I didn’t need to before. Oddly enough.
In short: When you are getting odd internal compiler errors like this, also try going from bottom to the top, your actual issue might be down there.