"Internal: JobTempAlloc has allocations that are more than 4 frames old" warning

Seeing this in latest Beta build 2018.3.b3.

Internal: JobTempAlloc has allocations that are more than 4 frames old - this is not allowed and likely a leak
To Debug, enable the define: TLA_DEBUG_STACK_LEAK in ThreadsafeLinearAllocator.cpp. This will output the callstacks of the leaked allocations

Seems to have popped up when I added Emerald AI to the mix.

Did this project use to work in earlier versions? Could you please submit a bug report with a minimal reproduction project and reply in here with the issue ID?

Am getting this error too with the latest stable build. Now I regret upgrading my project to Unity 2018.2.16. It comes out of nowhere

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@LeonhardP would it be ok if I sent the whole project as bug report? I think the problem we have is because of the size of the project and assets. I’m getting these messages too and it’s crashing the builds, but from searching the forums it seems to be a rare bug.

For now this is the stack trace:

0x00007FF9A31015E1 (UnityPlayer) ThreadedBlockAllocatingBuffer::HandleOutOfBufferToReadFrom
0x00007FF9A310B267 (UnityPlayer) ThreadedStreamBuffer::HandleOutOfBufferToReadFromMaybeWithProfiler
0x00007FF9A2A719C2 (UnityPlayer) GfxDeviceWorker::RunCommand
0x00007FF9A2A79E4B (UnityPlayer) GfxDeviceWorker::RunCommand
0x00007FF9A2A7B72B (UnityPlayer) GfxDeviceWorker::RunExt
0x00007FF9A2A7B824 (UnityPlayer) GfxDeviceWorker::RunGfxDeviceWorker
0x00007FF9A310870F (UnityPlayer) Thread::RunThreadWrapper
0x00007FFA07833034 (KERNEL32) BaseThreadInitThunk
0x00007FFA08001471 (ntdll) RtlUserThreadStart

I recently updated to 2018.2.17f1. I just got this message too, but only saw it once. I will post more info if I can reproduce this.

If the issue can’t be reproduced otherwise, I’m pretty sure it’s fine.

If the project is several GB’s big, I recommend to submit the bug-report with all the information and reproduce steps, but without the attached project first.

Ask Unity QA via the bug-report to provide you with an Unity owncloud link, where you can upload your project to. Unity’s Bug Reporter tool often has issues if the project exceeds a few GB’s, thus using owncloud as workaround. Make sure to tell Unity QA how many GB you need to upload the project.

After you uploaded the project to Unity’s owncloud location, update your first bug-report by adding a note that the project is now available.

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Well I already sent them the project, which took almost the whole day to upload :p. I just referenced the Case ID for the other bugs that I reported so I wouldn’t have to re-upload it again. I guess the best solution for us would’ve been to upload it somewhere like GoogleDrive and give them the link instead. Uploading to Unity serves is really slow.