I saw a few posts on this but couldn’t make much sense of them. I’m trying to make a class that provides easy procedural texture making for wood. The class is simply called Wood. The constructor sets all of the private variables and calls a method that does all of the texture generation. Thats where the problem comes in. I’ve created an instance of the class in another script so that I can test it out. However, I’m getting errors, even in the editor, before clicking play.
public static class Texture
public class Wood
public UnityEngine.Texture textureMap;
public UnityEngine.Texture normalMap;
public int width = 16;
public int height = 16;
public int seed = 1;
public float ringRadius = 1f;
public float mainFrequency = 1f;
public float mainFrequencyPower = 0.1f;
public float grainFrequency = 16f;
public int grainOctaves = 4;
public Vector3 grainScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 0.25f);
public Vector3 woodPosition = new Vector3(-3f, 1.5f, 1.5f);
public Vector3 woodRotation = new Vector3(80, 20, 45);
public Vector3 woodScale = new Vector3(16, 16, 16);
public UnityEngine.Texture2D ramp;
public void Update()
//Rings of wood
var rings = new CoherentNoise.Generation.Patterns.Cylinders(ringRadius);
//The wood's grain
var grain = new CoherentNoise.Generation.Fractal.PinkNoise(seed);
grain.Frequency = grainFrequency;
grain.OctaveCount = grainOctaves;
var scaledGrain = grain.Scale(grainScale.x, grainScale.y, grainScale.z);
//Combination of the wood rings and grain
var wood = 0.25f * scaledGrain + rings + 0.1f;
//Add turbulence to the wood
var perturbedWood = wood.Turbulence(mainFrequency, mainFrequencyPower, seed);
//Grab a slice the wood
var slice = perturbedWood.Translate(woodPosition.x, woodPosition.y, woodPosition.z).Rotate(woodRotation.x, woodRotation.y, woodRotation.z).Scale(woodScale.x, woodScale.y, woodScale.z);
this.textureMap = TextureMaker.RampTexture(width, height, slice, ramp);
this.normalMap = TextureMaker.BumpMap(width, height, slice);
public void UpdateTexture()
//Rings of wood
var rings = new CoherentNoise.Generation.Patterns.Cylinders(ringRadius);
//The wood's grain
var grain = new CoherentNoise.Generation.Fractal.PinkNoise(seed);
grain.Frequency = grainFrequency;
grain.OctaveCount = grainOctaves;
var scaledGrain = grain.Scale(grainScale.x, grainScale.y, grainScale.z);
//Combination of the wood rings and grain
var wood = 0.25f * scaledGrain + rings + 0.1f;
//Add turbulence to the wood
var perturbedWood = wood.Turbulence(mainFrequency, mainFrequencyPower, seed);
//Grab a slice the wood
var slice = perturbedWood.Translate(woodPosition.x, woodPosition.y, woodPosition.z).Rotate(woodRotation.x, woodRotation.y, woodRotation.z).Scale(woodScale.x, woodScale.y, woodScale.z);
this.textureMap = TextureMaker.RampTexture(width, height, slice, ramp);
public void UpdateNormal()
//Rings of wood
var rings = new CoherentNoise.Generation.Patterns.Cylinders(ringRadius);
//The wood's grain
var grain = new CoherentNoise.Generation.Fractal.PinkNoise(seed);
grain.Frequency = grainFrequency;
grain.OctaveCount = grainOctaves;
var scaledGrain = grain.Scale(grainScale.x, grainScale.y, grainScale.z);
//Combination of the wood rings and grain
var wood = 0.25f * scaledGrain + rings + 0.1f;
//Add turbulence to the wood
var perturbedWood = wood.Turbulence(mainFrequency, mainFrequencyPower, seed);
//Grab a slice the wood
var slice = perturbedWood.Translate(woodPosition.x, woodPosition.y, woodPosition.z).Rotate(woodRotation.x, woodRotation.y, woodRotation.z).Scale(woodScale.x, woodScale.y, woodScale.z);
this.normalMap = TextureMaker.BumpMap(width, height, slice);
public Wood()
public Wood(int width, int height, Texture2D ramp, bool createNormal)
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.ramp = ramp;
public Wood
int width,
int height,
int seed,
float ringRadius,
float mainFrequency,
float mainFrequencyPower,
float grainFrequency,
int grainOctaves,
Vector3 grainScale,
Vector3 woodPosition,
Vector3 woodRotation,
Vector3 woodScale,
Texture2D ramp,
bool createNormal
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.seed = seed;
this.ringRadius = ringRadius;
this.mainFrequency = mainFrequency;
this.mainFrequencyPower = mainFrequencyPower;
this.grainFrequency = grainFrequency;
this.grainOctaves = grainOctaves;
this.grainScale = grainScale;
this.woodPosition = woodPosition;
this.woodRotation = woodRotation;
this.woodScale = woodScale;
this.ramp = ramp;
The error takes me to the line in the Update method:
this.textureMap = TextureMaker.RampTexture(width, height, slice, ramp);
It says:
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
CoherentNoise.Texturing.TextureMaker.RampTexture (Int32 width, Int32 height, CoherentNoise.Generator noise, UnityEngine.Texture2D ramp)
Procedural+Texture+Wood.Update () (at Assets/Code/Framework/Procedural.cs:71)
Procedural+Texture+Wood…ctor () (at Assets/Code/Framework/Procedural.cs:117)
So that this error isn’t returned, I tried putting the line(and the one below it) in an if statement
if(ramp != null)
this.textureMap = TextureMaker.RampTexture(width, height, slice, ramp);
this.normalMap = TextureMaker.BumpMap(width, height, slice);
However, when I add the if statement, I get two new errors (which point to the if statement):
CompareBaseObjectsInternal can only be called from the main thread.
Constructors and field initializers will be executed from the loading thread when loading a scene.
Don’t use this function in the constructor or field initializers, instead move initialization code to the Awake or Start function.
ArgumentException: CompareBaseObjectsInternal can only be called from the main thread.
Constructors and field initializers will be executed from the loading thread when loading a scene.
Don’t use this function in the constructor or field initializers, instead move initialization code to the Awake or Start function.
UnityEngine.Object.CompareBaseObjects (UnityEngine.Object lhs, UnityEngine.Object rhs) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/EditorGenerated/UnityEngineObject.cs:49)
UnityEngine.Object.op_Inequality (UnityEngine.Object x, UnityEngine.Object y) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/EditorGenerated/UnityEngineObject.cs:162)
Procedural+Texture+Wood.Update () (at Assets/Code/Framework/Procedural.cs:71)
Procedural+Texture+Wood…ctor () (at Assets/Code/Framework/Procedural.cs:120)