Hey, folks.
Here is my new asset - a pack of high quality intros for your game!
All intros are made with shuriken particles.
Price: 10$
Hey, folks.
Here is my new asset - a pack of high quality intros for your game!
All intros are made with shuriken particles.
Price: 10$
Looks great … purchased.
I’m not sure what happened but after import I received a whole slew of compile errors throughout my game. Does this package change some settings in the game?
Interesting … I ended up having to delete this package, my NGUI folder and some scripts from Control Freak to get rid of the compile errors that popped up. Reinstalled NGUI and everything seems to work fine. I have no idea if that was related to your package … I think I’ll backup my project and try importing your files again to see if I can replicate the issue.
I tried re-importing the package after backing up my project and I’m getting the same compiler errors with scripts in the NGUI and Control Freak packages. For example:
Assets/NGUI/Examples/Scripts/InventorySystem/Game/UICursor.cs(68,52): error CS1061: Type Camera' does not contain a definition for
ViewportToWorldPoint’ and no extension method ViewportToWorldPoint' of type
Camera’ could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
The above message pops up on many of the NGUI scripts after importing your file. Can you think of anything that might be causing it? I’m using the latest version of NGUI.
I just tried deleting your package and the above errors go away.
Hey, there.
Thanks for purchasing the asset.
Do you have same problems importing it in a project without NGUI?
Could you send me the list of all errors here please:
Importing it into an empty project seems to work fine. I do get a warning that said something to the effect of having a script called Camera could cause conflicts. That might be something to look into.
The errors that occur with NGUI in the project were of the nature I posted above … I think it has to do with you having a script called Camera. Would it be possible for you to update the package and rename your camera script to something else? Perhaps add a prefix to it?
Renaming the Camera script to Intro_Camera fixes the problem. I also had to change the corresponding reference to Camera on line 25 of text_control.cs to Intro_Camera.angle rather than Camera.angle.
I’d suggest making the update and posting it.
Sure, thanks for noticing this!!
If you have any problems, feel free to write here or to my e-mail that i’ve posted above.
Nice. Are they creating with animation curves only? How easy is it to edit?
All the animations are created by code.
I think it’s quite easy to edit them. If you have any problems with editing - just ask me.
Just’ve uploaded this fix. Should be approved in a couple of days
And a new version was approved.
Rajmahal, thanks again for noticing this.