Hello friends!
We’re delighted to announce that Cinemachine 2.7.1 has now been officially published to Package Manager.
Note that 2.7.1 has not yet been verified, so approach it will appropriate caution. The 2.7 series, which will be the verified version for the upcoming 2021.1 and backwards compatible as far as 2019.4, includes some nice improvements which I’ll detail below. You can read the complete changelog here.
To add Cinemachine 2.7.1 to a project, open the Package Manager (Window > Package Manager), find Cinemachine in the list, and click Install on 2.7.1.
To add to a project that currently contains Cinemachine, open the Package Manager (Window > Package Manager), find Cinemachine, and click Update to 2.7.1.
In either case, don’t forget to check out the included Samples to see what Cinemachine can do!
Changes from 2.6.3 to 2.7.1
The first change - which might alarm you! - that you’ll notice right away is that the Cinemachine menu has vanished. Fear not, the functionality isn’t gone; we’re simply giving you back some top-level menu real-estate, and integrating Cinemachine more directly into traditional Unity workflows. Cinemachine objects are now created just like any other GameObject: from the GameObjects menu (and in all the other places that GameObjects are generally created).
Next, we’ve introduced a new and improved 2D confiner. CinemachineConfiner2D provides a way for the user to limit the camera into an area defined by a polygon. This is useful for ensuring that the camera moves only in ways that properly support your game.
The new confiner has a number of advantages over what came before. It’s faster, and better at dealing with damping in corners and undersized behavior (camera window is bigger than the original confining area). It also works with both Orthogonal and Perspective cameras.
Note that the confining area may not be precise everywhere due to computational costs, but it will be a close approximation. This is expected at edges that are not perfectly horizontal or vertical. Moreover, the extremities of acute angles may be hard to reach.
The next big items are a pair of often-requested lens improvements, allowing Cinemachine to control and report on more aspects of how the Camera behaves.
- The Virtual Camera Lens can now override orthographic and physical camera settings.
- The Virtual Camera Lens inspector now respects the display of Horizontal FOV from the Camera.
Finally (and not counting the usual batch of bug fixes), you’ll find a new option in the ImpulseListener called ApplyAfter. This allows you to choose whether a confiner also confines impulses and noise.
As always, we hope you get great use out of the new version and all these improvements. If you have any questions, problems, complaints, ideas, or praise, don’t hesitate to post in this forum! We always love to hear from our friends and users.
We just released 2.7.2 with some incremental improvements.
Improvements to the new CinemachineConfiner2D, some new samples, and a list of bug fixes.
Details in the release notes.