They aren’t “threats”. I don’t base my decisions on how they’re going to affect some scummy ass company, I base them on how they’re going to effect me. I’m not thinking about other engines because it’s going to hurt unity LOL
Since we were discussing gigaya team layoffs, I just found out the team that worked on the new starter asset package (character controllers) was laid off. It seems anyone that provides actual benefit to users isn’t welcome in unity anymore, unless you’re part of the tiny team of URP/HDRP, both of which I’d assume are a minority in unity.
Another package abandoned due to sound decisions from management.
Just what is wrong with unity?!!
We haven’t even seen news as to how other acquisitions have been helping unity till now,
Did we get any tooling improvement when using the speed tree?
No, they just added a shader graph that supports speed tree, I mean I don’t understand how it took them so many years to do that.
Nothing from Weta, just look at what epic games do when they acquire something, I’m not saying to make the stuff free if you can’t afford that but at least do more than doing nothing for a year after acquiring them.
Discard devs, acquire ad money, mmmm sweet sweet capitalism
I don’t think anyone cares about how Gigaya is at this stage(performance-wise and code-wise), they just want to see some starting point. I get that the code isn’t properly written, but we can only get the best parts out of this project and let the bad ones out of view.
Publish it at least on Github, please.
Once again the UT decision-making gurus flex their intellectual superiority to the world by focusing more on anything but what made the engine popular or their core users.
I mean having one notorious name in leadership was not enough, now also gotta merge with a notorious company to gain even worse reputation.
So what are we left with now? a bunch of acquisitions that pretty much no one asked for and that probably only a small fraction of the core userbase will use/benefit from as they remain behind paywalls.
I was looking forward to the release of Gigaya to see if I could learn something from it and see how certain aspects of development can be improved or approached differently while also giving us hope that the dev team will finally have a closer voice telling them what works and what needs change/improvement.
Now I’m less & less optimistic about Unity’s future for solo devs and small teams with every new decision they make lately.
It was pretty obvious that Gigaya was canceled the same day of the layoffs, i do not understand why you guys are upset again here.
Now, maybe unity’s future is being the game engine for mobile games and that’s it. it wouldn’t surprise me at all. Unreal is kikcking ass right now and not precisely for its graphics, unreal is a trend now, you can see how youtube is full of mediocre 20 seg demos showing some rocks and trees or a random guy running in a city but is very popular because it says: official unreal 5 demo, so, if unreal is going to rule the pc/console realm, then, the only market free is mobile and unity has a pretty good portfolio there (yes i know, this is making real that cliche Unreal lover comment: for pc use unreal for mobiles use unity) …You know… GIGAYA, a steam game being cancelled and then this “merge” with ironsource + recent interviews… maybe this is what they want, to be the game engine just for mobiles.
I also do not understand why people are angry about Ironsource and saying “ironsource is malware” can someone explain it to me please?
Sad, i was also defending Unity in the past, now we need to enter to their community with our faces down XD lol
It’s the trajectory unity has taken with every announcement that has people upset. It has absolutely nothing to do with Gigaya. In other circumstances, people would just move on it’s not a revolutionary game.
Did you answer your own question? It’s another step in the wrong direction bloating unity as an adware engine.
Why that would make developers upset… use your imagination.
Anyway, nothing good will come of it I’ll leave this thread to eat itself.
just read the entire thread from beginning, is all explained.
little off-topic here but: the painless tool is the best tool, because when you say “best something” you are comparing it comparing it with other tools, so, the painless too (in a list of a tools) is the best tool. Now, being the perfect tool is totally different thing
I can confirm. I worked on the virtual touch inputs in Starter Assets so they could be controlled on mobile; just so there was a starting point for basic mobile input. I hope that another team will adopt them.
The only true thing about your post is this… but the problem is not everybody wants to learn again another f language, but it seems that now we have to -.-
The character controller is broken in 2022 plz halp
That is veeeery old, here is an better explanation to that and what he is talking about with some other references.
This is his business for good or bad, i do not know if it was EA the company that had that problem with gambling in games and do not forget John Riccitiello (actual CEO of Unity) did at least the 80% of gamers of the world to love EA and their games, so is not bad at all, so at least you can expect the same future for unity, also, those are business decisions, we are indies, 3d artist, programmers and stuffs we do not know anything about business, nothing… maybe if you saw that video or audio in 2011 you though “this is very bad i hate EA” but now, look at the industry, almost every gamer loves EA. THIS is for the future.
Also (About ironsource) there is nothing bad about thinking of making money with your games (of course in good ways)
Oh wow, that’s not the vibes I get on places like Youtube or Twitch!
It’s quite the opposite actually!
Dude! No! This is the guy who put loot boxes and micro transactions everywhere in EA games and he made EA the most HATED company in the world until they fired him!
No joke!
Wasnt EA the worst company in USA twice in a row when he was CEO ?
And no, gamers do not love EA, the fact that stupid whales drop tons of cash in their addiction with gambling doesnt make EA good company.
How deluded You must be is beyond me.
Is this a joke?
This may be beating a dead horse, but these examples project are very important. I decided to use Unity back when the industry was less consolidated partly due to their Lerpz demo. If Unity can’t manage to release a game themselves - that doesn’t inspire confidence going forward.
If anyone has the project files for Lerpz, I’ll buy you a pizza or drink if you share!
AKA. We no longer care about making game development more accessible to game developers for which Unity was originally created for. We only care about firms that give us money.
Cancelling Gigaya is proof for why Unity needed to do Gigaya in the first place. It is easy to quickly build prototypes and small games in Unity. It is hard to build modern PC/console games in Unity. Every game developer who has built PC games in Unity all the way to the Steam store knows what I am talking about. Far too much game developer time gets spent searching for work arounds once a PC/console Unity game gets to a certain size.
The entire reason for Gigaya was to build a full modern PC/console game in Unity, so Unity would be forced to realize and fix some of the headaches that exist. Unity seems to have pulled another Unity here. Unity built a small demo for Gigaya and then gave up as soon as they ran into some of the headaches PC/console game developers constantly see with Unity. Giving up at this exact point is the most predictable Unity response.
There are tons of obvious show stopping bugs and limitations that disproportionately affect PC/console game developers. For example, back in 2016, I documented a bug in the scene file system that prevented 64 bit builds from accessing more than 4GB of assets. It was a 32 bit limitation in 64 bit builds. But since this bug did not affect small mobile games, it took a few years for Unity to fix the bug. I worked around the bug by breaking my game systems into my multiple scenes and then using multi scene loading. I also tried using AssetBundles as a possible workaround, but AssetBundles had its own group of show stopping bugs at the time. Here is a thread about the 4GB limit per scene bug:
The 4GB asset limit per scene was fixed in Unity 2020.1. I only bring that bug up here because it is an excellent example of why game developers targeting PC/console would like Unity to build a complete modern PC/console game using Unity.
I would love to see Unity attempt to finish Gigaya. And not just a small playable demo. Build a complete modern PC/console game. Run into the headaches as the team scales up the game. Fix those headaches. Improve the engine, editor, and tools.