Introducing myself

Hi folks,

I’m Steviee and I’m new around here and Unity (and game development in general). Programming I do for a living, as well as project managing and consulting on IT projects and project management here in Germany. But game design and game development is a strange new world to me! :slight_smile:

I’m wrote my first code almost 20 years ago (I’m 34 now) but I still feel there’s a lot to learn and I’m always trying to be not too shy to ask for help.

I’m coming from a commercial applications point of view so there’s always a lot of data involved, object-graphs, etc… What fascinates me about Unity is the simplicity (at least to me it seems to be very accessible by, well…, me :wink: ).

When I’m thinking of my most beloved games then that’s always the games with a huge part RTS, veeeery big maps (Total Annihilation, Fleet Command, Surpreme Commander, …). You get the picture.

What I always wanted to do was a game like Carrier Command. I know there’s one coming (Q1 2012, Relic)… I love the rules behind it because it’s just not a rush scenario where you kill your opponent with pure force but with wits and cleverness and good resource management.

My project (the one in my stupid head, anyways) is not so graphic intensive and it’s not first person. It’s more like Fleet Command meets Carrier Command meets Command Conquer (3 times “Command”, wow!). So what I’m looking for in Unity is the ability to provide some kind of scene graph for my object tree (consisting of the game entities). I hope this engine is for me, since I totally lack any graphics dev experience (well, I did custom drawn controls with .NET and mono, LOL).

In the next days and weeks as my head wraps around this project (it’s totally hobby/private/enthusiastic. There’s absolutely no commercial interest involved and I will be happy to share what I come up with with anyone interested to look at it!) I’ll roam this forum and bother you guys with a lot of stupid questions and I’m really looking forward to hear from you and tell me better ways. I’m here to learn!

Thank you and I hope to hear from you!

Best regards,

Hey steviee! And welcome to the community! :smile:

Hi Steviee.
Welcome to Unity and to the forums!

Hi Steviee,

Check out this 2D Shooter tutorial it will give you some of basic starting blocks to build up your game from

It also has a basic level editor which is essential if you want to have as much fun making your game as playing it!

I used it and managed to make Cancer Wars, something I would have still been working on without it as a starting block.

PS. If you start a project make sure you finish it before doing something new, especially if you start taking part in Ludum Dare compos or game Jams!

Go for it!