[Introducing] Pro Player Prefs Editor

I am delighted to announce the imminent release of our Pro PlayerPrefs Editor component to the Unity Asset Store.

ProPlayerPrefs Editor is a Unity plugin that provides an advanced interface to edit your Unity in-game PlayerPrefs. In addition, it provides advanced encryption and decryption of string values and an in-game class to read and write these values, providing protection of your valuable in-game data from prying eyes.

ProPlayerPrefs Editor contains the following advanced features:
· Editing of Float, Integer and String PlayerPrefs values in both Edit and Play mode
· Auto refresh of values in Play mode on all supported platforms
· Encryption settings stored in convenient Asset files that can be shared between Edit and Play mode
· Simple Play mode component for encrypting and decrypting setting values (single line of code)
· Encryption and decryption of individual string values within the Editor
· Filtering on Key Types, Keys Names and Values
· Full Editor platform support for Windows and Mac systems

I am happy to take support on Pro PlayerPrefs Editor through this forum post.

I am delighted to announce that Pro PlayerPrefs is now available to purchase through the Unity Asset Store:

Screenshots and overview video below:

I am delighted to announce that Pro PlayerPrefs is now available on the Asset Store: