Hi Unity Sentis users,
We have released an image recognition packages that implemented based on Unity Sentis.
You can easily to use class classification, object detection, and other with this package.
It is OSS licensed under the MIT License and you can be used for commercial.
This packages will help you for implement image recognition in your app. Thanks,
The library consists of one base package in inference features are implemented, and several tasks packages in which image recognition are implemented.
Each task package depends on the base package and should be imported as a set with the base package.
You can easily setup these packages from package manager.
e.g. Setup for Classification
- Package Manager
- [Window]>[Package Manager]
- [+]>[Add package from git URL…]
- Add the following URLs
You can implement image recognition with just writing a few lines of script.
The task packages are includes a simple sample app to learn how to use.
Please see sample for details.
- Reference Namespaces
using Unity.Sentis;
using HoloLab.DNN.Classification;
- Create Instance
[SerializeField] private ModelAsset weights; // attach in inspector
var model = new ClassificationModel(weights);
- (Option) Set Parameters
- Run Inference
(var class_id, var score) = model.Classify(texture);