Framebuffer fetch sample:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RenderGraphModule;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.Universal;
using UnityEngine.Serialization;
public class FrameBufferFetchRenderFeature : ScriptableRendererFeature
class FrameBufferFetchPass : ScriptableRenderPass
private Material m_BlitMaterial;
private Material m_FBFetchMaterial;
public FrameBufferFetchPass(Material blitMaterial, Material fbFetchMaterial)
m_BlitMaterial = blitMaterial;
m_FBFetchMaterial = fbFetchMaterial;
// This class stores the data needed by the pass, passed as parameter to the delegate function that executes the pass
private class PassData
internal TextureHandle src;
internal Material material;
// This static method is used to execute the pass and passed as the RenderFunc delegate to the RenderGraph render pass
static void ExecuteBlitPass(PassData data, RasterGraphContext context)
Blitter.BlitTexture(context.cmd, data.src, new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 0), data.material, 0);
// This static method is used to execute the pass and passed as the RenderFunc delegate to the RenderGraph render pass
static void ExecuteFBFetchPass(PassData data, RasterGraphContext context)
context.cmd.DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4.identity, data.material, 1, MeshTopology.Triangles, 3, 1, null);
// other ways to draw a fullscreen triangle/quad:
//CoreUtils.DrawFullScreen(context.cmd, data.fbFetchMaterial, null, 1);
//Blitter.BlitTexture(context.cmd, new Vector4(1, 1, 0, 0), data.fbFetchMaterial, 1);
private void BlitPass(RenderGraph renderGraph, ContextContainer frameData, TextureHandle destination)
string passName = "InitialBlitPass";
// This simple pass copies the active color texture to a new texture using a custom material. This sample is for API demonstrative purposes,
// so the new texture is not used anywhere else in the frame, you can use the frame debugger to verify its contents.
// add a raster render pass to the render graph, specifying the name and the data type that will be passed to the ExecutePass function
using (var builder = renderGraph.AddRasterRenderPass<PassData>(passName, out var passData))
// UniversalResourceData contains all the texture handles used by the renderer, including the active color and depth textures
// The active color and depth textures are the main color and depth buffers that the camera renders into
UniversalResourceData resourceData = frameData.Get<UniversalResourceData>();
// Get the active color texture through the frame data, and set it as the source texture for the blit
passData.src = resourceData.activeColorTexture;
passData.material = m_BlitMaterial;
// We declare the src texture as an input dependency to this pass, via UseTexture()
// Setup as a render target via UseTextureFragment, which is the equivalent of using the old cmd.SetRenderTarget
builder.UseTextureFragment(destination, 0);
// We disable culling for this pass for the demonstrative purpose of this sample, as normally this pass would be culled,
// since the destination texture is not used anywhere else
// Assign the ExecutePass function to the render pass delegate, which will be called by the render graph when executing the pass
builder.SetRenderFunc((PassData data, RasterGraphContext context) => ExecuteBlitPass(data, context));
private void FBFetchPass(RenderGraph renderGraph, ContextContainer frameData, TextureHandle source, TextureHandle destination)
string passName = "FrameBufferFetchPass";
// This simple pass copies the target of the previous pass to a new texture using a custom material and framebuffer fetch. This sample is for API demonstrative purposes,
// so the new texture is not used anywhere else in the frame, you can use the frame debugger to verify its contents.
// add a raster render pass to the render graph, specifying the name and the data type that will be passed to the ExecutePass function
using (var builder = renderGraph.AddRasterRenderPass<PassData>(passName, out var passData))
// Fill the pass data
passData.material = m_FBFetchMaterial;
// We declare the src texture as an input dependency to this pass, via UseTexture()
builder.UseTextureFragmentInput(source, 0, IBaseRenderGraphBuilder.AccessFlags.Read);
// Setup as a render target via UseTextureFragment, which is the equivalent of using the old cmd.SetRenderTarget
builder.UseTextureFragment(destination, 0);
// We disable culling for this pass for the demonstrative purpose of this sample, as normally this pass would be culled,
// since the destination texture is not used anywhere else
// Assign the ExecutePass function to the render pass delegate, which will be called by the render graph when executing the pass
builder.SetRenderFunc((PassData data, RasterGraphContext context) => ExecuteFBFetchPass(data, context));
// This is where the renderGraph handle can be accessed.
// Each ScriptableRenderPass can use the RenderGraph handle to add multiple render passes to the render graph
public override void RecordRenderGraph(RenderGraph renderGraph, ContextContainer frameData)
// This pass showcases how to implement framebuffer fetch: this is an advanced TBDR GPU optimization
// that allows subpasses to read the output of previous subpasses directly from the framebuffer, reducing greatly the bandwidth usage.
// The first pass BlitPass simply copies the Camera Color in a temporary render target, the second pass FBFetchPass copies the temporary render target
// to another render target using framebuffer fetch.
// As a result, the passes are merged (you can verify in the RenderGraph Visualizer) and the bandwidth usage is reduced, since we can discard the temporary render target.
// The destination textures are created here,
// the texture is created with the same dimensions as the active color texture, but with no depth buffer, being a copy of the color texture
// we also disable MSAA as we don't need multisampled textures for this sample.
UniversalCameraData cameraData = frameData.Get<UniversalCameraData>();
RenderTextureDescriptor desc = cameraData.cameraTargetDescriptor;
desc.msaaSamples = 1;
desc.depthBufferBits = 0;
TextureHandle blitDestination = UniversalRenderer.CreateRenderGraphTexture(renderGraph, desc, "BlitDestTexture", false);
TextureHandle fbFetchDestination = UniversalRenderer.CreateRenderGraphTexture(renderGraph, desc, "FBFetchDestTextureTexture", false);
BlitPass(renderGraph, frameData, blitDestination);
FBFetchPass(renderGraph, frameData, blitDestination, fbFetchDestination);
FrameBufferFetchPass m_FbFetchPass;
public Material m_BlitColorMaterial;
public Material m_FBFetchMaterial;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override void Create()
m_FbFetchPass = new FrameBufferFetchPass(m_BlitColorMaterial, m_FBFetchMaterial);
// Configures where the render pass should be injected.
m_FbFetchPass.renderPassEvent = RenderPassEvent.BeforeRenderingTransparents;
// Here you can inject one or multiple render passes in the renderer.
// This method is called when setting up the renderer once per-camera.
public override void AddRenderPasses(ScriptableRenderer renderer, ref RenderingData renderingData)
Shader "FrameBufferFetch"
Shader "FrameBufferFetch"
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline"}
ZWrite Off Cull Off
Name "InitialBlit"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/Runtime/Utilities/Blit.hlsl"
#pragma vertex Vert
#pragma fragment Frag
// Out frag function takes as input a struct that contains the screen space coordinate we are going to use to sample our texture. It also writes to SV_Target0, this has to match the index set in the UseTextureFragment(sourceTexture, 0, âŚ) we defined in our render pass script.
float4 Frag(Varyings input) : SV_Target0
// this is needed so we account XR platform differences in how they handle texture arrays
// sample the texture using the SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X_LOD
float2 uv = input.texcoord.xy;
half4 color = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X_LOD(_BlitTexture, sampler_LinearRepeat, uv, _BlitMipLevel);
// Modify the sampled color
return color;
Tags { "RenderType"="Opaque" "RenderPipeline" = "UniversalPipeline"}
ZWrite Off Cull Off
Name "FrameBufferFetch"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/Core.hlsl"
#include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.core/Runtime/Utilities/Blit.hlsl"
#pragma vertex Vert
#pragma fragment Frag
// Out frag function takes as input a struct that contains the screen space coordinate we are going to use to sample our texture. It also writes to SV_Target0, this has to match the index set in the UseTextureFragment(sourceTexture, 0, âŚ) we defined in our render pass script.
float4 Frag(Varyings input) : SV_Target0
// this is needed so we account XR platform differences in how they handle texture arrays
// read the current pixel from the framebuffer
float2 uv = input.texcoord.xy;
half4 color = LOAD_FRAMEBUFFER_X_INPUT(0, input.positionCS.xy);
// Modify the sampled color
return half4(0,0,1,1) * color;