Introduction of Render Graph in the Universal Render Pipeline (URP)

Just an update in case someone else with the same issue is taken here by google, I received a response from Unity that suggested a workaround:

Based on the developer’s investigation, it seems that the Sprite-Unlit shader is being used for Raw Blit and ideally Blit-Shader should be used for render texture/blitting. However, if the current approach is required, please set the default values explicitly for the properties as defined in the following attached script:
spriteRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetVector(“unity_SpriteProps”, new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 0));
spriteRenderer.sharedMaterial.SetVector(“unity_SpriteColor”, new Vector4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

In my case it wouldn’t make much sense to use ‘Blit-Shader’ since I’m blitting for the purpose of caching the outputs of custom sprite shadergraphs, so I went with the sprite properties alternative.
Apparently, unity_SpriteProps and unity_SpriteColor are undocumented internal shader properties that as far as I’ve seen can be written to but not read from a material.
According to the only post I could find about them, unity_SpriteColor is used to communicate the renderer color to the shader, while the ‘x’ and ‘y’ of unity_SpriteProps are used to communicate the flipX and flipY values of the renderer (supposedly their value is 1 when flip is false and -1 when it is true).
I asked Unity about the ‘z’ and ‘w’ too, and this is what they answered:

‘z’ of unity_SpriteProps to -1 is used internally for skinning (usually set when using 2D Animation package). It refers to the starting offset index of a global transforms buffer which is used if GPUSkinning is enabled.
‘w’ is unused as of now.

I can confirm that this workaround solved the issue for me, at least as far as using CommandBuffer.Blit goes; unfortunately it had no effect on Blitter.Blit, which still yields a completely transparent texture, but since I now have a working blitting method I’m not going to pursue the issue further.

I will soon disable ‘compatibility mode’ and attempt to convert my scriptable render pass to an unsafe pass in render graph, if this causes any changes to the sprite blitting behavior I will report it here.

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