Invalid Events -


I see these errors in Event browser
Event timestamp outside valid boundaries - eventTimestamp
and this is one of the examples of Event Content

“eventName”: “sceneLoaded”,
“userID”: “80cba73d3b690ba56b8c896627429055”,
“sessionID”: “2aa9bd01-edc7-420b-ad6f-00bda705858d”,
“eventUUID”: “e88880c7-6f3d-45fe-8103-6e053d58d273”,
“eventTimestamp”: “2022-10-13 13:15:35 +03:00”,
“eventParams”: {
“sceneName”: “ShopMenuScreen”

But these timestamp are auto set by unity itself and not by me. So why are they erroring out. There are lot of invalid events which makes funnel analysis slightly incorrect

Hi Cryogee,
Thanks for posting!

The event shows a date time of October 13th 2022. At the time of writing this post that date is a future date. The user has set their device date and time to a future date. There are a few reasons for this either simply not aware of the wrong date time, attempting mischievous actions or other.

The data will never be ingested since it falls into Invalid events and will simply be discarded.
You can verify by running a this query in your sql data explorer.

where EVENT_NAME = 'sceneLoaded'
and EVENT_JSON:sessionID::STRING = '80cba73d3b690ba56b8c896627429055'
and EVENT_JSON:sessionID::STRING = '2aa9bd01-edc7-420b-ad6f-00bda705858d'
order by USER_ID```

Hope this helps you out.

All the best

Can the same thing happen if their device is set to a past date?

Hi @Skybrow ,
thanks for posting on the forums!

The Analytics backend rejects events as invalid under the following scenarios:

  • The timestamp the event was collected on the user’s device is greater than 30 days earlier than the timestamp of when the event is ingested into the backend service.
  • The timestamp the event was collected on the user’s device is greater than 24 hours ahead of the timestamp of when the event is ingested into the backend service.

reference: Event Manager

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have additional questions.