Invalid Image Path - No Image found at the path referenced under key 'CFBundleIcons': AppIcon29x29

I got this error trying to upload my game on the App Store from Xcode after updating to Unity 5.5.2f1:

The game build and run flawlessly on the device if I install it from Xcode. Archiving and Verification also works, the error message appear when I click on “Upload to App Store”.
With previous 5.5.x versions I did not experienced this problem. I am using Xcode 8.2 on Mac OS 10.11.6.

Anyone knows if something changed in how Unity prepares the icons for iOS export?


If anyone has the same problem, I just solved it re-importing manually all the necessary icons directly in Xcode. It’s still not clear to me why the ones exported from Unity did not work for submission.

I have some problem too. When the build through cloudbuild on version 5.5.0p4 this problem is not present, but I need to build it through 5.5.2p4 on which this problem is.

I solved it after I import all icons in Images.xcassets.

Open Images.xcassets in XCode, drag icons with correct size into the view.
Just fill the empty blocks, and it works.

No need to edit Info.plist.

Unity 5.5.3, XCode 8.3.2, MacOS 10.12.4