Invalid Layer Index?

OK this is weird, I have two animations that I start from a C# script, the animations are fine and they work OK but one of them will not play in my UI interface set up? I get the following error:

Invalid Layer Index
ScannerAdjustmanager:StartScannerLights() (at Assets/ScannerAdjustmanager.cs:42)

In my inspector I have the Animator Unchecked and my C# script is supposed to activate them when I press a UI button, but only one of them works, and I get that error message above? I’ll post my script just incase anyone can see something I’m missing.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ScannerAdjustmanager : MonoBehaviour {

	//Reference to Animations
	public GameObject ScannerLightAni;
	public GameObject BlueLEDsAni;

	//Audio Clip References
	public AudioClip Scanner;

	//animator reference
	private Animator anim;

	void Start () {
		//unpause the game on start
		//Time.timeScale = 1;
		//get the animator component
		anim = ScannerLightAni.GetComponent<Animator>();
		anim = BlueLEDsAni.GetComponent<Animator>();
		//disable it on start to stop it from playing the default animation
		//anim.enabled = false;

	public void  GoAbort(){
	IEnumerator LoadAfterDelay(string levelName){
		yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.5f); // wait 1 seconds

	//Start Scanner Animations
	public void  StartScannerLights(){
		anim.enabled = true;

	//Start LEDs Animations
	public void  StartLEDLights(){
		anim.enabled = true;

		//Audio Play
		audio.clip = Scanner;
		audio.loop = true;

It wants more information. Layer and Normalised Time.

It appears you are trying to use it the Legacy way.