Hey, first time trying to develop a game using Unity. I have got to the stage where I need to test on XBOX One, which I plan to use, along with Windows, as my initial publishing target.
I currently pub from Unity using these player settings
Scripting Runtime Version : Stable .Net 3.5 equiv
Scripting Backend : IL2CPP
Api Compatibility Level : .NET 2.0 Subset
BUILD SETTINGS : Universal Windows Platform
Target : Any Device
Build Type D3D
SDK : 10.0.16299.0
Build on : Local Machine
Built as RELEASE for x64
So, two main issues. My main one, is that when I port this over to my XBOX One, and start, I get these errors
Invalid Pass Number (x) for Graphics Blit ( Meterial Hidden/BilateralBlur with 1 pass)
This line repeats twice for Passes 2,3 and 5 I also get a similar error for pass 10, where the shader is listed as Unknown Material
Now, when I install the same package on the Windows machine that built it, and run, I don’t get these errors. I do get a null error, where some var is not assigned as planned, but it does not stop me from selecting a level, and playing the game. So on Windows, some decent progress, but XBox is severely stuck in the mud.
Some background. In my game, I have one scene which is omni-present, and which contains my in game camera, player, game manager etc. I then load scenes additively into this, and in each level scene there is a PREVIEW CAMERA, which does a carousel of each level on the start screen.
My guess is, I have the Unity Post Processing effects active on all cameras, and that means with the In Game and Preview camera, I would get two sets of the same error?
I tested this, by disabling the post processing Components from all cameras, but after re-build, same issue. Thats not to say I’m not on the right trail? BTW, I dont make use of Bilaterial Blur in ANY other way, as far as I am concerned, and looking in the Post Processing shaders, I can see it DOES make use of Blit, and Bilateral Blur, so…
So thats the main issue. Second issue is… Is it possible to get more meaningful Debug info when running on Windows/ XBox, I am totally devoid of a lot of context, for instance, line numbers from code is missing, and Im not sure of what tools are avail to track this down a little better. The NULL pointer issue is there, and I see other issues as well, but the logging output is so bare its hard to work out exactly where to make fixes.