Hi everyone
I’m trying to make a classical rhythm game with notes and long notes to tap in a lane.
for the notes i have a NormalNote and LongNote class, both inherits from an abstract BaseNote.
when i try to initialize each one with their respective timestamps using downcasting i get the error InvalidCastException ONLY for the longnotes, but it works with normalnotes. Any idea why?
function with the error (line 8):
private void LoadNotes(List<NoteData> noteDataList) {
foreach (NoteData note in noteDataList) {
var pulledNote = _notesPool.PullFromPool(transform.position, transform.rotation, transform);
var baseNote = pulledNote.GetComponent<BaseNote>();
if (note.IsLong) {
((LongNote) baseNote).SetTimestamps(note.TapTime, note.EndTime);
else {
((NormalNote) baseNote).SetTimestamps(note.TapTime);
using UnityEngine;
namespace Project.Runtime {
[RequireComponent(typeof(SpriteRenderer), typeof(PoolableGameObject))]
public sealed class LongNote : BaseNote {
private SpriteRenderer _spriteRenderer;
public override float AssignedTapTime { get; set; }
public float AssignedEndTime { get; set; }
public override NoteType Type { get {
return NoteType.LongNote;
public override bool IsLong { get {
return true;
private void Awake() {
_spriteRenderer = GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
public void SetTimestamps(float tapTime, float endTime) {
AssignedTapTime = tapTime;
AssignedEndTime = endTime;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Project.Runtime {
[RequireComponent(typeof(SpriteRenderer), typeof(PoolableGameObject))]
public sealed class NormalNote : BaseNote {
public override NoteType Type { get {
return NoteType.NormalNote;
public override float AssignedTapTime { get; set; }
public override bool IsLong { get {
return false;
public void SetTimestamps(float tapTime) {
AssignedTapTime = tapTime;