Inventory Drop Function Problem

Hello All,
My name is anthony faraci and im in need of a bit of help…Ive been programing and scripting for 5 almost 6 years, but im having a bit of a problem with my inventory system. I have the inventory itself working and the pick up of items, but i cant seem to figure out how I could drop the items.
Here are my Scripts:

This is attached to the Item itself:

public var InventoryIcon :  Texture2D;
public var ItemDescription : String;
public var ItemClass : String;
public var defence : int;
public var damage : int;

var doWindow : boolean = false;

function OnMouseOver() {
function OnMouseExit() {

function OnGUI() {

if (doWindow)
GUI.Window (0, Rect (110,10,200,80), DoWindow, "Info");

function OnMouseDown() {
	var inv = FindObjectOfType(inv2);
	inv.AddItem( gameObject, InventoryIcon );
	Debug.Log("item picked");

function DoWindow (windowID : int) {
	GUI.Label (new Rect(5, 15, 200, 25), "Item:" + ItemDescription);
	GUI.Label (new Rect(5, 30, 90, 25), "Class:" + ItemClass);
	GUI.Label (new Rect(5, 45, 90, 25), "Defence:" + defence);
	GUI.Label (new Rect(5, 60, 90, 25), "Damage:" + damage);

This is Put on the player:

var inventory : Array;

var doWindow : boolean = false;

public var emptyTex : Texture;

public var inventorySizeX = 4;
public var inventorySizeY = 5;

var iconWidthHeight = 40;

var spacing = 4;

public var offSet = Vector2( 100, 100 );

private var itemImage : Texture2D;

class InventoryItem

   var worldObject : GameObject;

   var texRepresentation : Texture2D;

function Awake()
   inventory = new Array(inventorySizeX);
    for( var i = 0; i < inventory.length; i ++ )
        inventory *= new Array(inventorySizeY);*


function OnGUI() {

var texToUse : Texture2D;
var currentInventoryItem : InventoryItem;

for( var i = 0; i < inventory.length; i ++ )
for( var k = 0; k < inventory*.length; k ++ )*
texToUse = emptyTex;
currentInventoryItem = inventory*[k];*

if( inventory*[k] != null )*
texToUse = currentInventoryItem.texRepresentation;

_ var it = GUI.Button( new Rect( offSet.x+k*(iconWidthHeight+spacing), offSet.y+i*(iconWidthHeight+spacing), iconWidthHeight, iconWidthHeight ), texToUse );
GUI.Button( new Rect( offSet.x+k*(iconWidthHeight+spacing), offSet.y+i*(iconWidthHeight+spacing), iconWidthHeight, iconWidthHeight ), texToUse );
* var w : int = 0;
var h : int = 0;
if (it){//&& (inventory[k]==!null){*_

* //This is were the drop item command would go*
* }*

function AddItem( item : InventoryItem )
for( var i = 0; i < inventory.length; i ++ )
for( var k = 0; k < inventory*.length; k ++ )*
if( inventory*[k] == null )*
inventory*[k] = item;*

function AddItem( worldObject : GameObject, texRep : Texture2D )
var newItem = new InventoryItem();

* newItem.worldObject = worldObject;*
* newItem.texRepresentation = texRep;*

AddItem( newItem );
Any help would be much appreciated!

If you’d look at the showcase forum there are better inventory systems that have item pickup and dropping. try this system out i made it myself and its very easy to use