A little feedback, since you asked about our biggest issue with the asset.
Overall, the package looks very interesting. You seem to have developed a robust inventory system that has a lot of features. My current project does not require an inventory system, but I have put your system on my watch list for another project that will require one. I am looking forward to seeing how this asset grows in the mean time.
On the constructive criticism end, there are a few things you could to improve your presentation of the project.
First, your sample demo did not sell me the asset at all. I did not understand the point of it, since all you could do was open and close the inventory window. It was not until I watched the YouTube video above that I realized those boxes in the scene had a purpose and that you could click on them. This needs to be clear inside the demo. To me, a white box is just how you build a demo level, not a pickup. (I did try running into them in case they did something, but did not think of clicking on them.)
Additionally, the controls for the demo are listed outside of the demo window. They should be in GUI text. I opened the demo full screen by default and did not see them until I had exited out of the demo.
On your Asset Store page for “The InventorySystem - Normal”, none of the links to your Pro version or the demo work. The Pro page links do not work either. The demo link is “http:__//\__devdog.nl/unity/inventorysystem/”. The links to your other Asset Store pages are all “https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#”.
[SNIP] Ignore my previous comment on the YouTube video. Turns out a recent Firefox crashed somehow cranked the volume of all YouTube videos up to max. Sorry for the user error.
Looking forward to seeing how this asset evolves. Good luck with it.
Also, I really like the product image you used on both pages. That is an great looking bag full of interesting stuff.
Thank you for the amazing feedback. When reading I realized you were absolutely right about the white cubes, smacked myself in the face for feeling like an idiot and immediately started on an update. I’ve added controls and explanations in the new demo build, and hope it’s much clearer now.
As for the Asset store links, this is because Unity hasn’t processed the update yet, should be fixed soon.
Character screen would prefer to see an actual character outline and what goes where or something like below. Should handle two handed weapons automatically. So If you had a shield and/or shield weapon equpped and tried to put in a 2h weapon then both items would go to inventory and replaced with 2h item
If implement items below then when you drag item then perhaps correct spot would be highlighted. Another option is if you double click an item in inventory it automatically goes to correct spot on character. If character has item in spot that goes to inventory.
Overall, you made it much more obvious that you get items from the blocks. The text telling you to take them is hard to read though. It’s behind the blocks and too big to see while the blocks are in the way. (See image below.) I believe you will get a better “user experience” if you put the instructions as just normal-sized text in the corner of the player’s screen. Maybe with a “hide” button if you want.
Honestly, you could probably scale down the various text elements and boxes quite a bit. Demo users should be focusing on the inventory screens, not these big objects and such in the screen. Don’t draw attention away from the product.
The bank should probably be a different color than the treasure chests so you know it is something different to experiment with.
I was able to equip a sword from one of the chests, but I did not see any notation of a key to hit for how to open the character worn gear screen. (If that’s a screen you want people to look at.)
There’s something wrong with the avatar’s movement though. I noticed when I hit the “s” key to go backwards, I stutter in place like crazy but never move. A minor thing, but it’s always good to have a demo as smooth as possible so nobody thinks it has to do with your inventory system itself.
its a code asset, there is no point on focusing on AI aspect as every game would need a different one, but there is a section in asset store that have lot of different GUI template that you can use with this asset.
Not generic enough IMO.
Too RPG-oriented, for someone who wants to do RPM the price is great, for other genres it’s too expensive…
Also you have “to” instead of “too” in the first poll option
Damien is right, I can’t possibly create a single solution with all the properties that everyone wants to use. So instead I’ll make it as simple as possible to manage and tweak to your own needs.
I think I came up with a solution that will make everyone happy.
The default classes have attributes that mark a field as a potential stat.
I wrote a custom editor. First you select your types that you want to scan for stats, basically anything that’s equippable.
After you’ve scanned the types you can choose which to display and which to ignore. Show types don’t work yet, maybe i’ll use a code / interface solution instead for more freedom.
I understand your concern, I’m working on this as we speak, and allowing multiple different implementations. I’ll be sure to add demo’s for other game types as well (in the near-ish future)
A very nice asset overall, with a lot of promise. A great use of the new UI system.
Will need to support multiple layouts and item styles plus animation in the future.
Not clear in the video or your notes. Will this be screen space only or will it also support world space?
Thanks, by multiple layouts and styles do you mean modifying the grids by columns, rows, etc, and skinning / tweaking it to your needs? Because if so, this is already possible :). Also animations are already supported, windows have a show and hide animation, currently it’s just a little pop, but in fact everything has animations even the tooltip.
To my own surprise the InventorySystem works for 90% in worldspace, the tooltip still leaves a bit to desire, as well as dragging windows around. Swapping, merging, banks, looting, all works, just need to fix some small visual bugs.
A little teaser
For now I’ll hold off on this until the system has the proper functionality and is stable enough, after that I’ll be sure to add support for worldspace.