Nice work Jorisshh
Looking forward to the crafting & Vendor system
What are you planning to add to the inventory system in the future?
Nice work Jorisshh
Looking forward to the crafting & Vendor system
What are you planning to add to the inventory system in the future?
Perhaps a compare two items ability? Grab an item from inventory and character screen is open shows you what you have currently equipped in that slot and what is in hand via double tool tips. Drop an item on character portrait in character screen and automatically equips in correct spot? I recall another game if you looted an item and character equipment was empty it would automatically equip item if allowed. Just some thoughts
Well let’s see I have the following on my list (Just a copy paste):
Messaging system (notice)
Crafting (2 types, Guildwars & Minecraft)
Playermaker, iCode, Behavior designer (Research)
Crafting + editors
Crafting - choose craft result bag (all crafted items go into inspector defined bag)
Extra demo level with list view? (Mobile)
Make new graphic - Advertise as multi-use system not just RPG
Record video of editor / video tutorial?
Worldspace UI
Launch party - temp 30% off?
Inventory bags → show amount of bags with icons (WOW style)
Video tutorials (Maybe)
Support other systems (Research)
Features can of course be requested
Oh I like that the tooltip comparing shouldn’t be to hard to build in so I’ve added it to my list to look into after I’m done with the crafting. The automatic equipping shouldn’t be to hard either, but might be a little to specific in some cases… I’ll be sure to look at it though.
What kind of crafting system will you create, systems like Minecraft are quite popular lately, with the grids and placing items in the right order?
If I recall right the one that was equipped actually had equipped displayed in tool tip replacing name of item or something different. An issue I just though of if it was a ring you picked from bag or a weapon and you had two single handed weapons equipped or two rings you would thus need triple tool tips.
In any case keep up the good work.
Hey Henk845,
I’ll be supporting the layout style as in Minecraft as well as the more conventional Wow / Guildwars style with a list of items and as long as the items are the inventory the item can be crafted with a single button.
I’m writing the editor today / tomorrow, once I have something to show I’ll be sure to post it here
Hey Sanuvin,
A solution to this could be to check both ring slots, and pick the one with the worst stats, it’s likely the one you want to swap anyway.
A little speed boost:
A lot more people than I anticipated are working on mobile platforms, and because mobile GC (garbage collection) can cause hickups I decided to go over the system once more to ensure stability and speed.
Crafting system is in development, data structure is laid out, just got to write the code ^^
Very nice keep up the good work
Would anyone be interested in a UFPS integration?
what about a save system
not really interested in a UFPS integration at the moment…mmmm be down the track, but i am interested in integration with plyGame & Dialogue System for Unity.
Are you planning to do a quest system?
yea that be nice too
I’ve added save/load on my list to research, once crafting is done though. “Easy save 2” seems to be the most used system so this could be an option.
A binary writer would likely already do the trick, and is very fast to implement as well as run-time performance, but this doesn’t support the webplayer (the webplayer only supports playerPrefs), so encoding to JSON might be an option. I’ll look into this further once I’m done with the crafting system.
Yes UFPS integration would be a plus as well as easy save 2.
I might do a quest system, but if I do this will likely become another asset. Doing a basic quest system isn’t to difficult, but making one that is extensible and suits various purposes is quite a bit of work.
Duly noted, you can expect these features in a future release
You know, I own every reasonably decent previous crafting/inventory system to this (there are lots) and have spent hours and hours working with the authors to get theirs to this point. (or even anywhere near it)
Assuming I manage to raise the funds at the same time this is available at a price I can afford I’ll get this one too…
Just for the novelty of not having to GC the damn thing.
Thanking my lucky stars you know how to us a profiler - I could kiss someone. (else)
integration with plyGame & Dialogue System for Unity. ?