inventory system slot issue

hi i have an issue iwth my inventory script …all work fine except that wheni click on a emply slot my test game stops and i have the following error on console

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.GameObject].get_Item (Int32 index) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/List.cs:633)
Inventory.OnGUI () (at Assets/Vaijk Inventory System/Scripts/Inventory/Inventory.cs:189)

this is my inventory script

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Inventory : MonoBehaviour
    public int verticalSlots;
    public int horizontalSlots;

    public float slotSizeX;
    public float slotSizeY;

    public bool showInventory;

    public bool userHasOption = false;

    public Texture2D emptySlotTexture;

    public KeyCode inventoryInput;

    public GUISkin guiSkin;

    public List<Slot> inventory;

    private bool dragging = false;

    private GameObject equipedObject = null;

    private Vector2 windowPosition =;
    private Vector2 windowSize =;
    private Vector2 clickMousePosition =;

    private Slot dragSlot = new Slot();
    private Slot receiver = new Slot();

    private PlayerInteraction playerInteraction = null;

    // Represents an Inventory Slot.
    public struct Slot
        public int id; // Identifier used to find this Slot.
        public int itemID;

        // Returns the actual amount of Items inside this Slot.
        public int stacks
            get { return slotObjects.Count; }

        // Returns if we have more then one Item inside this Slot.
        public bool stackableSlot
            get { return slotObjects.Count > 1; }

        public List<GameObject> slotObjects;

        public Texture2D slotTexture;

        public Rect originalRect;
        public Rect currentRect;

        // Returns a bool indicating if this slots original Rect contains <cursorPosition>.
        public bool Contains (Vector2 cursorPosition)
            return this.originalRect.Contains(cursorPosition);

        // Returns a bool indicating if this slot is outside the GUI Windows Rect.
        public bool OutsideWindow (Vector2 windowPosition, Vector2 windowSize)
            Rect windowRect = new Rect(windowPosition.x, windowPosition.y, windowSize.x, windowSize.y);

            return !windowRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition);

    private void OnValidate ()
        if (verticalSlots < 1)
            verticalSlots = 1;

        if (horizontalSlots < 1)
            horizontalSlots = 1;

        if (slotSizeY < 1)
            slotSizeY = 1;

        if (slotSizeX < 1)
            slotSizeX = 1;

    private void Start ()
        // Find our PlayerInteraction MonoBehaviour on our Player Camera GameObject.
        playerInteraction = transform.Find("Camera").GetComponent<PlayerInteraction>();

        // Inicialize our <inventory> List with a set <inventorySize> capacity.
        inventory = new List<Slot>(horizontalSlots * verticalSlots);

        // Calculate the <windowSize> based on the <slotSize> and the amount of slots.
        windowSize = new Vector2(horizontalSlots * slotSizeX, verticalSlots * slotSizeY);

        // Calculate the <windowPosition> based on <windowSize>.
        windowPosition = new Vector2((Screen.width - windowSize.x) / 2, (Screen.height - windowSize.y) / 2);

        // Our current (X,Y) positions inside our GUI Window.
        float currentX = windowPosition.x;
        float currentY = windowPosition.y;

        // Add an empty slot for each available slot in the <inventory>.
        for (int i = 0; i < inventory.Capacity; i++)
            Slot emptySlot = new Slot();

   = i;
            emptySlot.itemID = 0;
            emptySlot.slotObjects = new List<GameObject>();
            emptySlot.slotTexture = emptySlotTexture;
            emptySlot.originalRect = new Rect(currentX, currentY, slotSizeX, slotSizeY);
            emptySlot.currentRect = emptySlot.originalRect;

            // Move horizontally by <slotSize>.
            currentX += slotSizeX;

            // Check if we can fit another Slot horizontally.
            if (currentX + slotSizeX > windowPosition.x + windowSize.x)
                // If we cannot fit another slot horizontally then move vertically and
                // reset our horizontal position.
                currentX = windowPosition.x;
                currentY += slotSizeY;


    private void Update ()
        // Show or hide this inventory.
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(inventoryInput))
            showInventory = !showInventory;

            Cursor.visible = showInventory;

            GetComponent<MouseRotation>().enabled = !showInventory;
            transform.Find("Camera").GetComponent<MouseRotation>().enabled = !showInventory;

    private void OnGUI ()
    { = guiSkin;

        if (showInventory)
            // The Inventory's Header.
            GUI.Box(new Rect(windowPosition.x, windowPosition.y - 25, windowSize.x, 30), "Inventory");

            // The Inventory's Window.
            GUI.Box(new Rect(windowPosition.x, windowPosition.y, windowSize.x, windowSize.y), "");

            for (int i = 0; i < inventory.Count; i++)
                if (inventory*.stackableSlot)*

// If this slot is stackable then draw a label counting the amount of
// stacks and disable the ability to equip this stackable item.

string stackLabel = string.Format(“<size=20>{0}”, inventory*.stacks);*

// Stackable items are not equipable.
GUI.Button(inventory_.currentRect, inventory*.slotTexture);*_

// Only show the stack amount label is we have more then 1 item stacked.
if (inventory*.stacks > 0)*
GUI.Label(inventory*.currentRect, stackLabel);*
// If we click this Slot Button then equip the GameObject it holds.
if (GUI.Button(inventory_.currentRect, inventory*.slotTexture) && !userHasOption)

_Item slotItem = inventory.slotObjects[0].GetComponent();*_

if (inventory*.slotObjects.Count > 0 && slotItem.usable)*
GameObject slotObject = inventory*.slotObjects[0];*

slotObject.SendMessage(“InventoryUse”, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

Destroy(inventory_.slotObjects[inventory*.slotObjects.Count - 1]);
inventory.slotObjects.RemoveAt(inventory.slotObjects.Count - 1);*_

if (inventory*.slotObjects.Count < 1)*
inventory = ResetSlot(inventory*);*

// If the mouse is inside this Slot then watch for dragging.
if (inventory*.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && !dragging)*
// If we click with the left mouse button set its click screen position;
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
clickMousePosition = Event.current.mousePosition;

// If we clicked then moved our mouse that means we are dragging the slot.
if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && Event.current.mousePosition != clickMousePosition)
// Prevent the Player from dragging empty slots.
if (inventory*.slotObjects.Count > 0)*
dragSlot = inventory*;*
dragging = true;

if (dragging)
if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))
// If we released our left mouse button and the Slots Rect is
// outside the Window, then drop the item it contained.
if (dragSlot.OutsideWindow(windowPosition, windowSize))
if (dragSlot.slotObjects.Count > 0)
Item item = null;

if (dragSlot.stackableSlot)
// If we are a stackable Slot then we drop 1 of the stacked items.

if (dragSlot.slotObjects.Count == 1)
// If we only have 1 GameObject left then drop it and restore this
// slot to a normal empty slot.

item = dragSlot.slotObjects[0].GetComponent();

dragSlot = ResetSlot(dragSlot);
int lastItemIndex = dragSlot.slotObjects.Count - 1;

item = dragSlot.slotObjects[lastItemIndex].GetComponent();

// If the Slot we dragged out of the Window is not stackable
// then just drop the item it contained.

item = dragSlot.slotObjects[0].GetComponent();

dragSlot = ResetSlot(dragSlot);

if (equipedObject != null)
equipedObject = null;


// Since we are modifying this Slot inside the main foreach loop
// calling UpdateSlotData() would be extremelly slow due to a
// loop inside another loop.
inventory[] = inventory*;
// If we dropped the Item inside the Window, check what Slot we dropped*

// it upon._

for (int y = 0; y < inventory.Count; y++)
// If this instance is the itself then skip it.
if (inventory[y].id ==

// If we found a Slot that contains the mouse then exchange
// Slot information from the to the
// and the to the .
if (inventory[y].Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))
receiver = inventory[y];
userHasOption = true;

// If we got our left mouse button up return the
// to its original position.
dragSlot.currentRect = dragSlot.originalRect;

// Update the 's data.

// And since we released the left mouse button we are no longer dragging.
dragging = false;

// If we are dragging then set the 's position to be the current
// mouse cursor’s position (Compensating for the offset).
dragSlot.currentRect.x = Event.current.mousePosition.x - 35;
dragSlot.currentRect.y = Event.current.mousePosition.y - 35;

// If the current slot being iterated is the then update its info.
if (inventory*.id ==*
inventory[inventory.IndexOf(inventory*)] = dragSlot;*

if (userHasOption)
// Prompt the Player if he wants to create whatever the combination
// of both items can create or just exchange Slots.

if (receiver.slotObjects.Count == 0)
if (dragSlot.stackableSlot && dragSlot.stacks > 1)
Rect button1Rect = new Rect(Screen.width - windowPosition.x,
Screen.height - windowPosition.y - 80, 150, 40);

Rect button2Rect = new Rect(Screen.width - windowPosition.x,
Screen.height - windowPosition.y - 40, 150, 40);

if (GUI.Button(button1Rect, “Move Stack”))
receiver.itemID = dragSlot.itemID;
receiver.slotObjects = dragSlot.slotObjects;
receiver.slotTexture = dragSlot.slotTexture;

dragSlot.itemID = 0;
dragSlot.slotObjects = new List();
dragSlot.slotTexture = emptySlotTexture;


userHasOption = false;

if (GUI.Button(button2Rect, “Seperate Stack”))
receiver.itemID = dragSlot.itemID;
receiver.slotObjects.Add(dragSlot.slotObjects[dragSlot.slotObjects.Count - 1]);
receiver.slotTexture = dragSlot.slotTexture;

dragSlot.slotObjects.RemoveAt(dragSlot.slotObjects.Count - 1);


userHasOption = false;
ExchangeSlots(dragSlot, receiver);

userHasOption = false;
Rect button1Rect = new Rect(Screen.width - windowPosition.x,
Screen.height - windowPosition.y - 120, 150, 40);

Rect button2Rect = new Rect(Screen.width - windowPosition.x,
Screen.height - windowPosition.y - 80, 150, 40);

Rect button3Rect = new Rect(Screen.width - windowPosition.x,
Screen.height - windowPosition.y - 40, 150, 40);

// GUI Button for combining 2 Slot items.
CraftingCombinations crafting = this.GetComponent();
string craftableItem = “”;
int newItemID = 0;

foreach (CraftingCombinations.ItemCombination combination in crafting.itemCombinations)
int combinationSum = (combination.itemID1 * 10) + combination.itemID2;
int inventorySum = (dragSlot.itemID * 10) + receiver.itemID;

if (combinationSum == inventorySum)
craftableItem =;
newItemID = combinationSum;

if (newItemID != 0)
// GUI Button for crafting items.
if (GUI.Button(button3Rect, "Craft " + craftableItem))
GameObject craftedObject = Resources.Load(craftableItem);
GameObject craftedInstance = (GameObject)Instantiate(craftedObject); = craftableItem;

CraftItem(craftedInstance, newItemID);

// GUI Button for swaping Slots.
if (GUI.Button(button2Rect, “Swap Items”))
ExchangeSlots(dragSlot, receiver);
userHasOption = false;

// GUI Button for stacking Slots.
if (receiver.itemID == dragSlot.itemID)
if (GUI.Button(button1Rect, “Stack Items”))
receiver.slotObjects.Add(dragSlot.slotObjects[dragSlot.slotObjects.Count - 1]);
dragSlot.slotObjects.RemoveAt(dragSlot.slotObjects.Count - 1);

if (dragSlot.slotObjects.Count < 1)
for (int i = 0; i < inventory.Count; i++)
if (inventory*.id ==*
inventory = ResetSlot(inventory*);*

userHasOption = false;

public void CraftItem (GameObject craftedObject, int newItemID)
Item craftedItem = craftedObject.GetComponent();

// Remove the item from the .
if (dragSlot.slotObjects.Count > 0)
Destroy(dragSlot.slotObjects[dragSlot.slotObjects.Count - 1]);

if (dragSlot.stacks > 1)
dragSlot.slotObjects.RemoveAt(dragSlot.slotObjects.Count - 1);
dragSlot = ResetSlot(dragSlot);

// Remove the item from the Slot.
if (receiver.slotObjects.Count > 0)
Destroy(receiver.slotObjects[receiver.slotObjects.Count - 1]);

if (receiver.stacks > 1)
receiver.slotObjects.RemoveAt(receiver.slotObjects.Count - 1);
receiver = ResetSlot(receiver);


if (InventoryHasSpace())
Slot slot = new Slot();

for (int i = 0; i < inventory.Count; i++)
slot = inventory*;*

if (slot.itemID == 0)
slot.itemID = newItemID;
slot.slotTexture = craftedItem.slotIcon;



userHasOption = false;

public bool InventoryHasSpace()
foreach (Slot slot in inventory)
if (slot.slotObjects.Count == 0)
return true;

return false;

public void AddItem (Item item)
if (!InventoryHasSpace())
Debug.Log(“No available slots in inventory for " + + " to be added.”);

Slot editSlot = new Slot();

// If this item is stackable then find a Slot with its similar
// GameObject type and stack it, if there is none, just add it.
if (item.maxStackAmount > 1)
// Search for any stackable Slots with the same GameObject type as
// the one we want to add.
List stackableSlots = FindSlot(item.itemID);

if (stackableSlots.Count > 0)
foreach (Slot stackableSlot in stackableSlots)
if (stackableSlot.stacks < item.maxStackAmount)
// If we found a stackable Slot with the same GameObject type as
// the one we want to add, then add another stack to that slot.

// If this is the Slots first stack set it to stackable.

editSlot = stackableSlot;

if (editSlot.itemID == 0)
editSlot = AddToEmptySlot(item);
// If we do not already contain this GameObject type then just add it.
editSlot = AddToEmptySlot(item);
// If this item is not stackable then just add it to an empty Slot.
editSlot = AddToEmptySlot(item);

// Pickup the item we were interacting with.

// Update the actual inventory Slot.

private Slot ResetSlot (Slot slot)
slot.itemID = 0;
slot.slotObjects = new List();
slot.slotTexture = emptySlotTexture;

return slot;

// Exchanges information between the and Slots.
private void ExchangeSlots(Slot sender, Slot receiver)
// Check if the has any information to exchange, otherwise
// there is no reason to exchange Nothing for Nothing.
if (sender.slotObjects.Count > 0)
Slot oldSender = sender;

// Change the 's information to the ones the Slot had.
sender.itemID = receiver.itemID;
sender.slotObjects = receiver.slotObjects;
sender.slotTexture = receiver.slotTexture;

// Change the 's information to the ones the had.
receiver.itemID = oldSender.itemID;
receiver.slotObjects = oldSender.slotObjects;
receiver.slotTexture = oldSender.slotTexture;


// Finds the next available empty Slot.
private Slot FindSlot()
foreach (Slot slot in inventory)
if (slot.slotObjects.Count == 0)
return slot;

return new Slot();

// Finds the slot that contains a GameObject with the same
// type as the .
private List FindSlot(int objectID)
List foundSlots = new List();

foreach (Slot slot in inventory)
if (slot.itemID == objectID)

return foundSlots;

// Finds the Slot inside the Inventory by using its id.
private void UpdateSlotData (Slot target)
for (int i = 0; i < inventory.Count; i++)
if (inventory*.id ==*
inventory = target;

private Slot AddToEmptySlot (Item item)
Slot editSlot = FindSlot();

if (editSlot.slotObjects.Count == 0)
// Add the GameObject we were interacting with to the slot.
editSlot.slotTexture = item.slotIcon;
editSlot.itemID = item.itemID;

return editSlot;
error is related to this part of the code i think
// If we click this Slot Button then equip the GameObject it holds.
if (GUI.Button(inventory_.currentRect, inventory*.slotTexture) && !userHasOption)

**Item slotItem = inventory.slotObjects[0].GetComponent();**_

if (inventory*.slotObjects.Count > 0 && slotItem.usable)*
GameObject slotObject = inventory*.slotObjects[0];*

slotObject.SendMessage(“InventoryUse”, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

Destroy(inventory_.slotObjects[inventory*.slotObjects.Count - 1]);
inventory.slotObjects.RemoveAt(inventory.slotObjects.Count - 1);*_

if (inventory*.slotObjects.Count < 1)*
inventory = ResetSlot(inventory*);*
here the item script
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;


public class Item : MonoBehaviour
public int itemID;
public int maxStackAmount;

public float interactTime;

public bool usable;

public bool wasPlaced;

public Texture2D slotIcon;

private Renderer thisRenderer = null;
private Collider thisCollider = null;

private Inventory playerInventory = null;

private void OnValidate ()
if (itemID < 1)
itemID = 1;

if (maxStackAmount < 1)
maxStackAmount = 1;

if (interactTime < 1)
interactTime = 1;

private void Awake ()
thisRenderer = GetComponent();
thisCollider = GetComponent();

playerInventory = GameObject.FindObjectOfType();

public void PickupItem (Transform player)
// Set our parent as the Player’s Camera.
transform.parent = player.Find(“Camera”).Find(“Inventory Items”);

if (thisRenderer == null)
for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++)
transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent().enabled = false;
thisRenderer.enabled = false;

thisCollider.isTrigger = true;

public void DropItem ()
transform.position = transform.parent.position;
transform.rotation = transform.parent.rotation;
transform.parent = null;

if (thisRenderer == null)
for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++)
transform.GetChild(i).GetComponent().enabled = true;
thisRenderer.enabled = true;

thisCollider.isTrigger = false;
GetComponent().AddForce(transform.forward * 40, ForceMode.Force);

private void Interacting ()
if (!playerInventory.InventoryHasSpace())

GameObject playerCamera = playerInventory.transform.FindChild(“Camera”).gameObject;

PlayerInteraction interaction = playerCamera.GetComponent();

interaction.interactTime = interactTime;
interaction.interactLabel = “Picking up…”;

private void Interacted ()
can please someone tell me where i wrong?
many thanks

hi and many thanks for yuur reply and hlp…
i figured how to work… many thanks… i only have an issue on drop item since
sometimes when drop item from inventory (moving it outside the inventory slot) item dont appear on floor but pass throguht it and go out form the scene. I noticed this happen more often when i have several object of the same type in my inventory, but happen rarely even if i have a single object…

any hint even for this?