Inventory, why didn't work element?

Hey guys. Why didn’t work element? GUI.Label (windowRect,“Heeey”);

function OnGUI()
    var texToUse : Texture;
    var currentInventoryItem : InventoryItem;
	var windowRect : Rect = Rect (60, 60, 300, 300);
     //Go through each row
     for( var i = 0; i < inventory.length; i ++ )
         // and each column
         for( var k = 0; k < inventory*.length; k ++ )*

currentInventoryItem = inventory*[k];*

//if there is an item in the i-th row and the k-th column, draw it
if( inventory*[k] == null )*
GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect( offSet.x+k*(iconWidthHeight+spacing), offSet.y+i*(iconWidthHeight+spacing), iconWidthHeight, iconWidthHeight ), emptyTex );
_ GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect( offSet.x+k*(iconWidthHeight+spacing), offSet.y+i*(iconWidthHeight+spacing), iconWidthHeight, iconWidthHeight ), currentInventoryItem.texRepresentation );

* if(currentInventoryItem != null &&*
_ GUI.Button( new Rect( offSet.x+k*(iconWidthHeight+spacing), offSet.y+i*(iconWidthHeight+spacing), iconWidthHeight, iconWidthHeight ), “”, GUIStyle(“label”) ))

* GUI.Label (windowRect,“Heeey”); // Why didn’t work?*

* currentInventoryItem.worldObject.transform.position = transform.position;*
* currentInventoryItem.worldObject.transform.rotation = transform.rotation;*
* = true;*

* if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0))*
* { *
* //Equip it*
* //currentInventoryItem.worldObject.transform.parent = transform;*

* } else if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1))*
* {*
* //Drop it*
_ inventory*[k] = null;
currentInventoryItem.worldObject.transform.parent = null;*_

* }*


the GUI.Label (windowRect,"Heeey"); will only be shown when the button has been clicked (and the slot clicked has an item in it) for one frame.

so you most likely won’t notice the Heeey in that short amount of time (scenes in editors can easily achieve over 100 fps)

if this didn’t cover your question, then please take a little bit more time explaining it.