Invisible light probes...

We recently shifted over from Unity 5.6.3 to 2017.3.0f3 where there are really bright parts on some objects. The reason it is happening is because it is picking up on lightprobes that don’t actually exist in the scene. If I change light probes on the renderer to Off then it fixes it, but having it on Blend Probes creates this issue. Unfortunately we have objects like this scattered all throughout the project so it’s not as simple as that.

I would like to submit a bug report for this but I am unable to reproduce it in a smaller project.

Has anyone else experienced this issue?

I remember seeing others have this problem, but I thought it was in a previous version of 5x, possibly 5.0-5.3.
I can’t say I’ve seen it recently. Consider a bug report to get an official reply.

I did find this but apparently it is by design, although no explanation was ever provided.