Invisible meshs on Android Builds


I really need your help and it’s quite urgent…

I’m building a game for Gear VR, everything worked fine a few hours ago but I’ve got some weird issues now when I’m trying to build the game.

In the Build Settings, when I switch platform from Standalone to Android Build, all my static objects become invisible. They’re still there in the scene, I can always select them, but they’re just not visible… It’s always like that : on the scene view, on the game view, even on the device itself…

I’ve search many hours on Internet, and I tried a lot of things, I couldn’t get it work. When I switch back to Standalone build, the objects reappear, so I guess it’s really related to the Android Build. These static objects are used for baking the light, and re-baking won’t solve the problem.

I really need this to work really soon (by tomorrow, actually…), that’s why I’m begging you to help me if this kind of issue ever occurred to you… :frowning:

Thank you very much in advance!

Does it work properly on editor?

Uptick static and see if objects are reappearing…

No, it did the same in the editor. And when I unchecked “Static” it didn’t change anything.

BUT : I don’t know if I found a solution but I did fixed the issue. I just get to Preferences and clean the GI Cache (9 GB…), and everything works now.

I don’t know the origin of the issue, but it’s fixed now. Thank you for your answer. :slight_smile:

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