Invisible Shader Problem in Webgl Build

Hello, as seen in the picture below, I am having the problem of a material appearing pink in my webgl build. But this is not a simple render pipeline issue, please read on.

WebGL Build:

There is no problem with the editor.

In Editor:

I did a lot of research to solve this problem, but I couldn’t find a solution. It was said somewhere that this problem was caused by the webgl build not including the shader of the problematic material, and it was written that it could be solved by adding the relevant shader in the Always Included Shaders list under Project Settings → Graphics.
As seen in the picture, I added this shader as Element 7

However, when I do this, I cannot get a build because when I try to get a build, the following error returns.
Apparently the reason for this error is that the shader we added to the list is marked with HideFlags.DontSave. However, no matter how much I researched, I could not find why this shader was marked this way and how to remove this marking.

You should contact the publisher of the Easy Roads asset (I assume this is a store asset). It seems like the shader isn’t compatible with WebGL, probably because it requires a shader model version that isn’t available on the web.

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Thank you for your answer, I will contact the owner of the asset, but if anyone knows another solution, I would be very grateful.