Invoke other UnityEvent with gameobject.GetComponent().onClick.AddListener();

I try to invoke a other UnityEvent by pressing a button but it looks like it’s not working for some reason :confused:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.UI.Extensions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine.Events;

public class MyClass: MonoBehaviour {
public gameobject obj;

Start() {

public void DoIt(){
Debug.Log("I'm doing it"!);


In “MyUnityEvent” is just another debug.log but i don’t get any response or error code.

Delegate is not an option because every object have different event’s to call.
What’s wrong here? Can somebody help? thanks ^^

Good day @Korpsian !

First, where/how you define this variable button of line 11?


second, in line 16


You need to say what you want to invoke, and the time elapsed to execute (how many seconds after executing the line to execute the method you are invoking). Like…:

obj.GetComponent<Script>().MyUnityEvent.Invoke(MethodToInvoke, 2f);

Bye :smiley:

Start() {

Is the one up there.

There should be

void Start() {

Should do it right??

Maybe already fixed but couldn’t find anyone writing bout it!! :slight_smile: