Invoke repeating OR coroutine with WaitForSeconds?

Hi everyone! I’d like to ask a more “theorical” question, mainly regarding performance.

If I want something to be executed periodically (but not as frequently as Update() would do it), what is my best option available, performance-wise?

Is it this:

    InvokeRepeating("DoSomething", 0.0f, TIME_BETWEEN_EXECUTIONS);

    void DoSomething() {
        Debug.Log("Hello Internet!");

… Or this?


    IEnumerator DoSomething() {
        while (true) {
            Debug.Log("Hello Internet!");
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(TIME_BETWEEN_EXECUTIONS);


Thank you for your time!

IEnumerator should be somewhat faster for the simple reason that Invoke uses a string name for finding the method which is slower than a specified call.