I was just busy creating a systeem in which when I press a button it joins a random game and when there is no game available it creates a new one. However there is a problem when a 0 servers are available a new server is created and it adds 1 to AvailableSevers how ever this also causes it to read the part of availableservers > 0 because we just added one. I wanted to solve this by having a delay so that this function (available server > 0) is not called for me but is called for the next person (client) that wants to join a lobby. I tried doing this with the invoke and the waitforseconds but both don’t seem to work when I try to call them. Does anyone has a solution to this?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class MainMenu : MonoBehaviour
public int curMenu = 0;
public float dif = 1;
private string gameName = "Server";
//You have to change this!
public string uniqueGame = "TheWestGamesNL";
public float TimePassed = 4;
public int AvailableServers;
void Start()
void Update()
dif = (Screen.width / 12.8f) / 100;
void OnGUI()
if (curMenu == 1)
GUI.Box(new Rect(20 * dif, 20 * dif, 200 * dif, 200 * dif), "");
GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(25 * dif, 25 * dif, 190 * dif, 190 * dif));
gameName = GUILayout.TextField(gameName);
if (GUILayout.Button("Join game"))
if (AvailableServers == 0)
Network.InitializeServer(17, 25001, /*!Network.HavePublicAddress()*/ true);
MasterServer.RegisterHost(uniqueGame, gameName);
Debug.Log("available servers" + AvailableServers);
Invoke("ADDAvailableServers", 5);
if (AvailableServers > 0)
Network.Connect("", 25001);
void ADDAvailableServers()
Debug.Log("Servers = " + AvailableServers);