A couple of the players of my game LBKR have asked for a Linux build of the game so I decided to give it a go, but I have never created Linux builds before, and only tried Linux once in my life to be honest so I feel that I may need some guidance…
My biggest “potential” problem I can imagine would be regarding LBKR’s way of saving profiles.
I’m using System.Environment to get the path to the players “My Documents” directory and saving files to it. When run on a Linux system, would Linux recognize the Environment.SpecialFolders request and aquire a similar directory, or do I need another approach?
Also in case someone knows of a good place to read up on C# in Linux (In case there are difference between Linux and Windows, while coding in C# that is) I’ld appreciate it alot if you could share it since, as mentioned earlier, I haven’t really touched Linux much at all so my knowledge of the differences are minimal. =)
Well you could get yourself a virtual machine like ‘Virtualbox’, install some linux distro (probably one your player’s use…), and run some tests.
It appears this person did that already:
Note, the ‘/home/ibboard’ folder really is ‘/home/username’ where ibboard happens to be that person’s username. This is the linux equivalent of the “my documents” and you could create a folder in there for your stuff.
Although me personally, I use the %AppData% folder for storing config stuff (which exists in linux, as that link shows). I think of the ‘My Documents’ (or home folder) as a place where users create their own files/documents. So like, sure a project being created there makes sense, but not config stuff. But hey, that’s just my opinion.
Of course, go get virtual box and install the linux distro if only to test your game once you’ve attempted to build for it.